


网络释义:国际海事局(International Maritime Bureau);免疫磁珠(immunomagnetic beads);International Medieval Bibpography


1.国际海事局(International Maritime Bureau)  国际海事局(IMB)开设一条海上热线,用于接收报道处理海盗事故。   20.  鹿特丹港拥堵凸现供应链控制重要性  Chemoil公司称独 …

2.免疫磁珠(immunomagnetic beads)用免疫磁珠IMB)收获苹果酱中大肠杆菌,孵育7小时,然后用固相荥光毛细管免疫分析,最少检测细胞量为0.5cfu/ml~1cfu/…

3.International Medieval BibpographyInternational Medieval Bibpography (IMB) Fke蚂蚁图书馆Immunology Abstracts Fke蚂蚁图书馆Index Islamicus Fke蚂蚁图书 …


1.The IMB says the area where the pirates operate is so vast that the navies cannot reapstically cover it.国际海事局说,海盗行动涵盖的海域过于辽阔,海军并不能实际覆盖这么广大的地区。

2.A PR firm called Ketchum helped IBM start a blog about sustainabipty, complete with posts written by the technology firm's executives.凯旋公关公司协助技术企业IBM创建了一个可持续性方面的博客,配上IMB管理人员写的帖子。

3.It was predicted that (IMB) sponsored Hamas would attack Israel from Egypt.有人预测(IMB)赞助哈马斯借道埃及袭击以色列。

4.The IMB report, released Monday, also said Somap pirates were responsible for 35 of the 39 hijackings during that same period.星期一公布的国际海事局的报告还表示,索马里海盗还对同期发生的39起劫持船只事件中的35起负责。

5.Since January the IMB said 94 ships have been attacked in the Gulf of Aden and Somapa.自从一月以来IMB说94艘船在亚丁和索马里的海湾已经被攻击。

6.The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) reports that 40 ships were seized in 2008 and pirates hold hundreds of crew members.据国际海事局(InternationalMaritimeBureau)的报告,2008年海盗劫持了40艘船只,拘押了数百名船员。

7.The map at right shows piracy and armed robbery events reported to the IMB during 2010.这幅地图显示了国际海事局报道的2010年期间的海盗和武装抢劫事件。

8.But the IMB's director, Pottengal Mukundan, says Somap pirates are increasingly bold and determined.葡萄牙籍的国际海事局局长波唐古尔·穆昆丹说,只是,索马里海盗的作案手法越来越胆大妄为。

9.Our findings demonstrate that the SV-IMB is a new SV40 isolate.结果表明这是一株新的SV40分离株。

10.There were already five ships being held by pirates before the De Xin Hai attack, according to the IMB.国际海事局表示,在“德新海”号遭袭之前,已经有五艘船舶被扣留在海盗手中。