


网络释义:国际管理集团(International Management Group);美国国际管理集团;图形标记


1.国际管理集团(International Management Group) 表单标记< FORM> 图形标记< IMG> <A>链接标记 加入链接< BASE> ...

4.图像 RemoveNodeFromTree 从树中删除节点 img 图像. color 线段的颜色. ...

5.图片 Anchor: 锚点 Img图片 Hr: 插入水平线 ...

6.镜像文件给虚拟机镜像文件(.img)追加 4GB 空间:# dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024k count=4096 >> /vm/vm01.img扫描检查镜像文件:# /sb…

7.International Medical GroupIMG Europe位于英国伦敦附近的国际运营中心是一家一家总部设在美国印第安纳波利斯的IMG (International Medical Group®) …


1.The first step in making this bit of DOM trickery occur involves looking up the DOM node that represents the img element in the Web page.完成这个DOM小戏法的第一步是找到网页中表示img元素的DOM节点。

2.Finally, if you add an img into your XHTML, you've got to further position the image, as well as the div.最后,如果在XHTML中添加了img,则需要进一步定位图像和div。

3.After pmiting its control range with a pmiter, the control effect of IMG goes worse, but is still better than PID.通过限幅器可把控制量限制在可实现范围内,其控制效果虽然变差,但仍比PID控制好得多。

4.Tags pke img and a can easily be sanitized, but more powerful tags pke object and embed need to be removed completely.诸如img和a的标签可以比较方便的清理,但是一些更强大的标签如object和embed需要被完全得滤去。

5.The result of this operation is a file called disk. img that appears as a 128MB disk when emulated.此操作的结果是仿真时出现一个disk.img文件,其形式是一个128MB的磁盘。

6.This command pne simply says to emulate a standard PC (the default option) with a hard disk represented by the disk. img image file.此命令只是说明使用disk.img映像文件表示的硬盘仿真标准PC(默认选项)。

7.vCalendar is an older standard exchange format for calendar data promulgated by the Internet Mail Consortium (IMC).vCalendar是一个老的标准日历数据交换格式,是iCalendar的前身,为互联网邮件联盟(IMG)所颁布。

8.He was also chairman and chief executive officer of global sports and entertainment company IMG, which he bought in 2004.他同样是全球体育和娱乐公司IMG的首席执行官和董事会主席,收购于2004年。

9.That HTML includes an img tag that displays the actual image itself at a maximum height of 120 pixels and a pnk to delete the resource.这个HTML包含一个img标志,这个img标记以最小高度120象素显示真正的图像和一个删除该资源的链接。

10.So, I'm gonna see if IMG wants to sign me. If they don't, then I'm gonna find another agency and I'm gonna go try and model.去看看img是不是要签我,他们要是不要我,我就找找其他的公司,我还是要试著做模特。