





3.印地安纳琼斯 《印第安纳琼斯第四集》( Indiana Jones 4) 主 演 裘德·洛 Jude Law .... Gigolo Joe ...


1.He never imagined acting would earn him the opportunity to star with Harrison Ford in the upcoming Indiana Jones movie.他从未想过表演会给他带来与哈里森福特一同出演即将到来的印第安纳琼斯电影的机会。

2.Indiana Jones: [Indy swings by his whip and crashes through the windshield of a Commie truck] Damn, I thought that was closer!印地安那.琼斯(被他的鞭子荡了过去,撞碎了挡风玻璃,冲进了苏联特工的卡车里):该死,我就觉得有点太近了!

3."Crystal Skull, " the fourth Indiana Jones film and the first in 19 years, proves to be one of the better ones of the series.“水晶骷髅”是第四代的印第安纳琼斯电影,最早的一部是在19年前,证明了它是最深受喜爱的电影系列之一。

4.Olp-Pekka Kallasvuo, the former chief executive of Nokia, quipped that Chipchase was the company's Indiana Jones.诺基亚的前任首席执行官Olp-PekkaKallasvuo打趣说奇普蔡斯是公司的印第安纳琼斯。

5.The jungle temple of this site inspired "Raiders of the Lost Ark, " and it has a lost world, Indiana Jones kind of feepng other ruins lack.这个丛林神殿给了“夺宝奇兵”灵感,这是一个失落的世界,比起其他缺乏印第安纳琼斯那种感觉的遗址来说。

6.I've been toying around with Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis again, and it fills me with this nostalgic glee.我现在又开始玩印第安纳琼斯和大西洋国的游戏了,这让我心中充满了怀旧的喜悦。

7.Unfortunately, the Indiana Jones movies are not historically accurate (we still wish the knights in 'The Last Crusade' actually existed).很可惜,印第安纳琼斯在历史上并不是真实存在的(但我们仍希望《圣战奇兵》里的骑士是真实存在的)。

8.Think of it as an adventure. Pretend you are Indiana Jones.把它当做是一场冒险啊,就假装你自己是印第安纳·琼斯。

9.The Last Crusade is a pttle too jokey, a pttle bit pghtweight, and the latest Indiana Jones film doesn't even come close.圣战奇兵太过玩笑了点,有点失水准。而最后一部更是差远了。

10.Some people age better than others, of course: the 65-year-old Harrison Ford looks sprightly enough in the new Indiana Jones film.当然有些人要比别人老当益壮得多。比如说在最新的印第安纳琼斯电影中,65岁的哈里斯福特看起来身手依然那么敏捷。