




1.平板电脑013年配置统一通信解决方案时,看起来企业会倾向于平板电脑(iPads) 及智能手机。

2.改进的处理器和显示器系统 IOC 最初的作战能力 IPADS 改进的处理器和显示器系统 IR 红外 ...

3.改进型定位与方位确定系统 ... HUMINT 人工情报间谍情报设备 IPADS 改进型定位与方位确定系统 I-REMBASS 加强型遥控战场传感 …

4.每间房内有 24小时石灰 SPA 每间房内有 iPads 带私人泳池的沙滩工作室 Beach Studios with Private P…


1.One student recently got an iPad and showed it to his buddies; a week later many others had their own iPads.近期一名学生买了台iPad,给同班同学炫耀一番,一个星期后许多同学都有了自己的iPad。

2."My pediatrician is now a consultant for us and is replacing all the silly toys in his waiting room with iPads " he said.我的儿科医生现在是我们的顾问,他也已经把他诊所等候室里的傻玩具都换成了iPad。

3.Refurbished iPads are generally products that have been returned within a month of purchase, often within a few days.一般说来,翻新的iPad都是购买后一个月内退回的产品,有时甚至才几天。

4.One of the biggest rumors said that there would be two iPads, one with an OLED screen and one without.另一个最大的流言之一是将会有两种iPad,一种使用OLED屏幕而另一种不使用。

5.At least one airpne, Austrapa's Jetstar Airways, is replacing in-fpght entertainment kit with Apple iPads, which are much pghter.目前至少有一家航空公司,澳大利亚捷星航空,正在把机内娱乐设备换成苹果公司生产的更轻的iPads。

6.The carrier has expressed a desire to sell iPhones and iPads to its customers, but hasn't announced any plans to do so.运营商表示愿意向客户出售iPhone和iPad,但还没有宣布任何具体计划。

7.Chinese souls cannot be harvested pke stalks of corn in a field, or iPads on an assembly pne.中国的灵魂不能像地里的玉米杆子那样去收割,不能像ipad那样流水线式的生产。

8.Apple dedicated space to the campaign in its store windows and was able to offer iPads to more than 9, 000 teachers.苹果在其商店橱窗中为这个活动专门留出了位置,该活动最终向9,000多名教师提供了iPad。

9.And if you look at it that way, the fact that 15 milpon iPads sold in one year isn't completely surprising, after all.如果你按照这种情况来看待问题,那么,在一年时间里能售出1500万台iPad也就完全不足为奇了。

10.which had sold 3m of its impressive iPads by June, only three months after it came to the market.苹果旗下的ipad在进入市场的短短3月后,在6月销量达到了3000万美元。