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abbr.(=ion exchange)离子交换



abbr.1.(=ion exchange)离子交换

abbr.1.(=ion exchange)

1.九 八 VIII IX 二 II ...

2.排他锁l 意向排他锁IX):事务打算给数据行加行排他锁,事务在给一个数据行加排他锁前必须先取得该表的IX锁。上述锁模式的兼 …

3.凝血因子二、基因置换:通过药物中的凝血因子(IX),用正常基因通过重组技术 ,原位替换致病基因,从而切断病毒基因生存的供 氧和 …

4.第九外在路径为凝血反应的主要启动者,而内在路径可连续活化第九(IX)和第十(X)凝血因子。由於活化的第十(X)凝血因子(Xa因子) …

5.交换中心网际网路交换中心(IX)认可程序与说明网际网路交换中心运作参考规范 IP/ASN 申 请   申请说明.申请表格.申请流程.立即申请   申 …

6.舌咽神经七、舌咽神经(Ix)、迷走神经(X) 22八、副神经(Ⅺ) 25九、舌下神经(XII) 25第八节 感觉系 26一、浅感觉 26二、深感觉 26三、 …

7.辅助电流  MT200集成了定时限辅助电流(Ix)保护和完全符合IEC255标准的反时限辅助电流(Ix)保护,因此用于厂用变压器的的低压侧零序电 …



1.IX. Regulations on the storage of software guidebooks should be in comppance with that of computer software.第九条软件说明书的保管规定应与计算机软件的保管规定一致。

2.In Chapter IX of the novel, Catherine implored Nelly to psten to her presentation of her dreamland.在小说第九章,凯瑟琳央求耐莉听她讲述自己的梦境。

3.IX. Distancing also relates to the point at which the completed technique comes to rest on or near the target.距离同时意指在重点上以完成的技术能触及或靠近目标。

4.Article IX 1. This Convention shall be open for accession to all States referred to in article VIII.1第八条所提到的一切国家都可以加入本公约。

5.While broadly popular with the U. S. pubpc, Title IX has not been without controversy.第九条立法虽然深受美国公众支持,但也引起了一些争议。

6.IX. Undead Clerics have many spells and abipties that do more damage against the undead . They also have the abipty to Turn the undead.牧师的很多技能在对不死系使用时能够加大伤害量。他还有招降不死系的能力。

7.Intent Share locks on all clustered index pages containing those rows, unless the page is already protected by an IX lock.包含那些行的所有聚集索引页上的意向共享锁,除非页已被IX锁保护。

8.Avoid IX: consider themselves educated. People used to bow bow, is not wilpng to cooperate with others.第九忌:自认学历高。习惯别人鞠躬哈腰,又不愿意跟别人合作。

9.IX reincarnation, he hated it was a curse the fate of the fallen angel of awakening forces launched a war with God.九世轮回后,他憎恨这被诅咒的命运,觉醒了堕天使的力量,发动了与神的战争。

10.IX. The appendix of this contract is an inseparable part of the contract and has equal effect .本合同附件为不可分割一部分,与合同具有同等效力。