




1.请听我说 12、 电话/无线电对话: Telephone/Radio Conversations 5、 请听我说If I was you…… 13、 自圆其说: This Way/That …

2.请你听我说绪追踪(Thought-Tracking) (B)请你听我说(If I was you…) (C)自圆其说(This way/That way) (D)目击证人(Giving Witness)

3.如果我是你如果我是你If I was you) 戏剧中的一个角色正面临人生的重 要关头: 下决定、 面临进退两难的 局面、 解决问题、 面对抉 …


1.Well, as it's such a special occasion, I'd wear something a bit more formal if I was you.哦,因为那是一种特别的场合,如果我是你的话,我会穿比较正式一点的。

2.Well, you know, if I was you, I would get myself to the Bahamas, grab a fistful of that slut's hair and take back my man.如果我是你我会自己去巴哈马扯掉那个荡妇的头发然后把我的男人抢回来

3.Hey, if I was you, I may want me to go away too.如果我是你,我可能也希望自己下台。

4.If I was you , I would not count on it.如果我是你,我是不会抱太大希望的。

5.But it suits you perfectly. ? If I was you, I would buy it.但是它非常适合你。如果我是你,我就买。

6.If I was you, I would take the opportunity of pft or doing something to go forward and tell him the whole.所以我会在现在或许借着搭便车或某事,走上前去对他说出一切。

7.If I was you, I'd just try to enjoy the food.我要是你,就埋头吃东西

8.Oh, I wouldn't, if I was you! ' she returned. 'I don't think it would answer. '“哦,如果我是你的话,我可不要做上流社会的人!”她回答道,“我认为上等人也没有什么好的。”

9.If I was you, I'd try the shops in Wangfujing.如果我是你,我就到王府井的那些店看看。

10.I wouldn't eat that side of the cake if I was you.我要是你就不会吃那个部分蛋糕了