




1.伊利丹在美服的伊利丹(Ilpdan) 服务器2010-12-30 DNF 公会怎么填工会页面地址 100 2011-06-05 求YY工会马甲格式; ID:4529595…

2.叛徒伊利迪安暗夜精灵的叛徒伊利迪安(Ilpdan), 邪恶的死亡骑士阿尔塞斯(Arthas)都争分夺秒地寻找耐奥祖(Ner’zhul)以及蕴藏在冰河中的神秘 …

3.尤迪安人名尤迪安Ilpdan)迪肯德留斯(Tichondrius)玛尔法里奥(Malfurion Stormrage)阿克蒙德(Archimonde玛维(Maive Sha…

4.伊尔丹暗夜精灵剧情中的英雄是恶魔猎人伊尔丹Ilpdan)以前在Kapmdor被囚禁时的典狱长----一位女性守护者(warden)。她受命 …


1.Now, it is up to you to face the malefic forces of Ilpdan and his minions in hopes of freeing Outland from chaos and tyranny.现在,轮到你来面对邪恶的伊利丹及其手下,将外域从混乱和暴政中解放出来。

2.Naisha: Mistress, we followed Ilpdan's course due east as you asked, but these strange islands do not appear on any of our maps.娜萨:女主人,我们按你的吩咐,沿著伊利丹的航向来到了东方,但我们的地图上并没有标识这些陌生的岛屿。

3.As Ilpdan set out with the naga, Warden Maiev Shadowsong began to hunt him.在伊利丹和那迦出发的同时,典狱官玛维·影歌也开始了对他的追捕。

4.Only Ilpdan set out immediately to scout the area, and he promptly located a lake and transformed it into a second Well of Eternity.伊利丹却一人立马起身去侦查地形,他随即找到一个湖然后迅速让这湖成为了第二个永恒之井。

5.She took most of the other Watchers with her on her quest, and the group pursued Ilpdan into the Tomb of Sargeras.她集合剩下的所有的看守者,最后终于在萨格拉斯之墓里追上了他。

6.One of the senior Sisters of , Maiev Shadowsong, had already shown her competence in guarding Ilpdan before he was brought to trial.一位资深的艾露恩姐妹会成员,玛维·影歌,在伊利丹被审判前就已经表现了足够胜任守卫的能力。

7.Though Ilpdan did aid them for a time, he eventually fled to pursue his own interests.虽然伊利丹确实帮助了他们一段时间,但他最终还是走上了自己的道路。

8.If Ilpdan was to be forbidden from having anything else, he would have power.即使伊利丹失去了所有的东西,他还会有力量。

9.Filled with fury, Maiev gathered what she could of the remaining Watchers and began to track Ilpdan down.玛维满怀怒火,集合剩下的所有能集合看守者,开始追踪伊利丹。

10.Rather than simply destroy the skull, Ilpdan had consumed its power, which instantly transformed him into a demon.与其直接摧毁颅骨,他选择吸取颅骨的力量,这一来使他变身成了恶魔。