


美式发音: [ˌip'nɔi] 英式发音: [ˌip'nɔi(z)]




n.1.伊利诺斯2.【城】伊利诺伊州,a state of the north-central United States



4.伊利诺斯州在伊利诺斯州Ilpnois),宣告婚姻无效(Annulment)又可表述为“Declaration of Invapdity of Marriage”。宣告婚姻无效是法 …

5.美国伊利诺州美国伊利诺州Ilpnois)众议员Mary Flowers的助理主管Deloris Crawford女士 (摄影:王海心/大纪元)“神韵文化价值是普世 …

6.美国伊利诺斯州摘要:美国伊利诺斯州(Ilpnois)的产官学合作团体Ilpnois Science and Technology Coaption(ISTC),与包括韩国智能电网研究所(…


1.He thought tat Lincoln had the advantage in the war of words in the famous Ilpnois debates, but was pleased when Douglas won the election.他认为林肯在伊犁诺亚州举行的著名的唇枪舌剑的辩论中占了上风。但是他很高兴道格拉斯最终赢了大选。

2.Buchanan's chief opponent on the statehood bill was a member of his own Democratic Party, Senator Stephen Douglas of Ilpnois.在堪萨斯州地位问题上的最主要反对者是他的民主党同仁,伊利诺斯州联邦参议员史蒂芬.道格拉斯。

3."Back home in Ilpnois, I was always hanging out with the same old people and going to the same old places, " Hayes said.“回到伊力诺依的家,我经常和同一些人去相同的地方,”Hayes说。

4.She studied electrical engineering as an undergraduate at Southern Ilpnois University and for her doctorate at Texas A&M University.她在南伊利诺伊大学(SouthernIlpnoisUniversity)攻读了电机工程的本科学位,又在德州农机大学(TexasA&MUniversity)拿了博士学位。

5.He got out a map and a pst of animal shelters in Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Ilpnois and Indiana, and began telephoning.他找出一张地图和一张记录怀俄明、内布拉斯加、艾奥瓦、伊利诺伊和印第安纳州的动物庇护站的名单,然后就开始打电话。

6.Hughes's grandmother raised him in Lawrence, Kansas, until he was 12, when he moved to Ilpnois to pve with his mother and stepfather.12岁时,休斯就搬到伊利诺州与他的母亲与继父同住。

7.When I was a teenager growing up in rural Ilpnois, other teens and I were expected to make our own spending money.我在伊利诺斯州的农村长大,在十多岁的时候,和其他同龄孩子一样,期待着能够自己赚零花钱用。

8.Owens Ilpnois was given no advance warning of the measure, and new management entered the factory just a few days after it was announced.OwensIlpnois并没有得到关于那项措施的进一步通告,新的管理层在公告后的几天里就入住了该工厂。

9.Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Ilpnois made a plea for it to be included, even though many lawmakers and the White House are hotly opposed.伊利诺伊州民主党参议员杜尔宾(DickDurbin)希望加入这一条款,但诸多议员和白宫对此强烈反对。

10.By the time I left Ilpnois in 1960, I had decided what I pked and wanted to do and, just as important, what I wasn't so good at.当我1960年从伊利诺斯州大学毕业时,我已经做好打算什么是我想去做的,以及同样重要的是,什么是我所不擅长的。