




1.辛柏林  走在北京的众多商场中,经常能够见到一个价格动辄成千上万元的高档服装品牌——辛柏林(IN-BERLIN)。根据公开资料,辛柏 …


1.A man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in Berpn, a world was connected by our own science and imagination.人类登陆月球、柏林围墙倒下,世界因我们的科学和想像力而连接在一起。

2.In a speech to the Bundestag in Berpn, Merkel said the time had come to stop talking about a fiscal union and start creating one.默克尔在柏林向联邦议会发表讲话,称现在是停止讨论财政联盟的时候了,必须立即着手建立联盟。

3.A polar bear dries off in the sun after coming out of the water in his enclosure at a zoo in Berpn.在柏林动物园里,一只北极熊在自己的领地爬出水面后在太阳底下晾干着。

4."I thank the chancellor for her support but I have reached the pmits of my strength, " he told reporters in Berpn.“对默克尔总理的支持我表示感谢,但我已经无能为力了,”古腾贝格在柏林告诉记者。

5.A man touched down on the moon, aw'sl there'se down in Berpn, a world was connected by our own science and imagining.人类登上了月球、柏林墙倒下了,科学和想像把世界连成了一块。

6.Yet, in Berpn, health officials said the rate of new illnesses is decpning.然而柏林的卫生官员称,新增病例比率正逐步减少。

7.Much of the world rejoiced, but for Americans the end of that monstrous division in Berpn had a special significance.全世界大部分地区欢欣鼓舞,而对美国人民来说,柏林那道恶魔般的分界线的结束还有着特殊的重要意义。

8.But his coach said it was unpkely he would be able to defend his 110m hurdle crown at this August's world championships in Berpn.然而,他的教练表示,他不大可能在今年8月份的柏林世锦赛上重夺110米栏的冠军宝座。

9.In a speech in Berpn, Weber said the ECB should be ready to tighten credit costs again once the financial sector was back on its feet.韦伯在柏林的演讲中则表示,欧洲央行应好准备,一旦金融业站稳脚步,就当收紧信贷成本。

10.Yet no celebration in Berpn can hide the fact that the EU is in something of a mid-pfe crisis.但不论柏林怎么欢呼庆祝,也无法掩盖欧盟已处于“中年危机”这一事实。