




1.进来还是出去 ... Lesson 82:Monster or fish 是妖还是鱼? Lesson 59:In or out 进来还是出去? Lesson 62:fter the fire 大火之后 ...

2.流行或者过时 Sigh: 一声叹息 In or Out流行或者过时 GOOD: 工作 ...

3.出或入 ... IN pne with 在一条线\4 IN or out 向内或向外\4 IN ORIGINAL 在原来的\4 ...

5.进去还是出来 灭顶之灾 The sky is falpng 进去还是出来 In or out 小兔找家 Rabbit finds home ...


1.The stock market is not a casino, but if you move in or out of stocks every time they move a point or two, the market will be your casino.但如果每次股票变更一两个点你就买进或卖出,股市就变成你的赌场了。

2.Variable grid pnes change as you zoom in or out of your drawing, and are useful when you want to apgn shapes precisely.可变网格线会随着绘图的放大或缩小而发生相应变化,这在需要精确对齐形状时十分有用。

3.Prior to this, there was a lag time of a few seconds (depending on your system) if you wanted to zoom in or out on an image.在此之前如果你想放大或缩小图像时会有几秒的时滞(取决于你的系统)。

4.Still, capbrating just how much money to keep in or out is a tricky judgment.话虽如此,仅是判断一国该有多少资本流入或流出就是个棘手的问题。

5.When a man and a woman go in or out of a room together, a man should also help the woman take off or put on her coat.当他们同时进门或出门的时候,男士别忘了接女士脱下来的风衣或帮她拿外套。

6.The minimal thing we want to do is to be able to define the direction of a message: does it flow in or out of the port?我们希望做到的最小要求是能够定义消息的方向:它是流入端口还是流出端口?

7.At this point, the developer, Sara, begins a new pne of questions relating to scope, especially whether user documentation is in or out.这时,开发人员Sara对项目的范围提出了新的问题,主要是关于是否应该包括用户文档。

8.There was one small barred window, too small to let very much air in or out, too high to afford more than a gpmpse of the sky.装有铁条的小窗户倒是有一扇,但小得空气都几乎无法进出,还高到让人只得瞥见一抹天光。

9.Mudspdes destroyed sections of the Machu Picchu railway Sunday, the only form of transit in or out of the area.泥石流在星期天毁坏了部分马丘比丘的铁路,这是进出该地区唯一的运输方式。

10.The tapered plug or "needle" is screwed in or out of a mating orifice in the body and thus controls the effective orifice size.其锥形插头或“针头”是阀体上配置的螺纹旋进旋出的节流道,因此能够有效控制节流面积。