




1.九月 December 十二月 in September[ 九月] in October[ 十月] ...

2.在九月 in spring 在春季 in September 在九月 in a week 在一周中 ...

3.在九月份 He talked to me as a father. 他以父亲的身份跟我谈话。 in September 在九月份 on Friday 在星期五 ...

4.X月 ,还有在X年X月X日, on September 1,1999 X月in September X月X日, on September 1 ...


1.Speaking at the United Nations General Assembly in September, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez said the ball is in Washington's court.古巴外交部长布鲁诺.罗德里格斯9月份在联合国全体大会发表讲话时说,目前球已经落在华盛顿一边。

2.She said the changes, which President Barack Obama signed into law in September, will ensure that patents are of a higher quapty.她说,9月份奥巴马总统签署后成为法律的这项法案做出的修改有助于保证今后专利的质量更高。

3.In such a day, in September or October, Walden is a perfect forest mirror, set round with stones as precious to my eye as if fewer or rarer.在这样的一天里,九月或十月,瓦尔登是森林的一面十全十美的明镜,它四面用石子镶边,我看它们是珍贵而稀世的。

4.He said his state visit to China in September has yielded important outcomes and is of great significance to pushing forward bilateral ties.我9月对中国进行国事访问取得重要成果,对推动两国关系发展意义重大。

5.In September it began to reveal it's first images showing strips of ancient pght across the sky.从去年九月份起,普朗克望远镜就开始发布它拍摄的首张宇宙图像,图像显示了跨越宇宙的狭长的古老光带。

6.ETA said in September it was ready to make its latest unilateral truce permanent, and said further concessions were possible.埃塔9月份曾经表示,愿意使其最新单方面停火永久化,并表示可能做出更多让步。

7.On a mellow evening in September, I was coming from the garden with a heavy basket of apples which I had been gathering.九月里一个醉人的傍晚,我挎着一大篮才采下来的苹果从花园出来。

8.In September, Huizenga said the company was trying to get a grant for a study on a large group of people.今年9月,Huizenga说该公司正在试图获得一项资助以进行大样本群体的研究。

9.He said the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September marked a turning point in the functioning of the market system.他认为雷曼兄弟九月的破产标志着市场体系运作的一个转折点。

10.But the Bank of Japan, after intervening directly to weaken the yen in September, has struck upon a more benign response.但是,在9月份直接干预弱化日元之后,日本银行现在采取了一种更为温和的做法。