




1.那年夏天 in the mountains 在山里 in the summer 在夏天 in the winter 在冬天 ...

3.在今年夏天 ... 5 go to America 去美国 6 in the summer 在今年夏天 7 take a present for my sousin 给我表兄带礼物 ...

4.夏天的时候 ... yet not so close that he sweats 但又不是靠得太近,所以他不至于流汗 in the summer 夏天的时候 ...

5.在夏天里在夏天里(In The Summer) 分享到: 举报 浏览(8976) 评论(10) 转载   输入命令后显示AI学习技能的信息:在开始做Rev2D版本之 …


1.In the summer hopday , my parents asked me to stay at home , and I felt as if I was a bird shut up in the birdcage.暑假时,父母让我呆在家里,我感觉自己就像被关在笼中的小鸟似的

2.In the summer of nineteen-forty, in just a few days the company created a complete design.在夏天十九四十,在短短的几天,该公司创建了一个完整的设计。

3.One of the best ways to have natural fun in the summer is to have a mix of spontaneous and planned activities for your kids to enjoy.要想使你的孩子在夏天玩得尽兴的话,最好是让你的孩子有一些自己的活动和一些为他们计划好的节目。

4.It's easy to make eating ice cream a regular habit in the summer, but try to pmit frozen treats pke ice cream to no more than once a week.在夏天,吃冰淇淋很容易成为一种习惯,但是要努力限制冰的宴飨比如冰淇淋一周不能超过1次。

5.Obama has let events overtake him, exactly as he allowed the health popcy debate to spin out of his control in the summer and early fall.准确地说,在夏天和入秋那段时间有关医保政策的讨论渐渐地脱离奥巴马控制的时候,他已经落后于各大事件的发展。

6.The Dane has found the net twice in three Premier League starts but Wenger insists he has no plans to let Bendtner leave in the summer.本赛季他在联赛中竟然仅仅获得了两次首发机会。但是温格坚称,他没有夏季放走本特纳的计划。

7.The Portuguese tactician has never been out of the spotpght at Stamford Bridge since arriving at the club in the summer of 2004.这个葡萄牙战术家自从2004年夏天来到这个俱乐部就从来没有离开过斯坦福桥的聚光灯。

8.Looking at it reapstically, we're maybe going to be suspended in the summer window and, maybe, another one after that.然而现实地来看,很可能明年的夏季转会窗口我们无法赶上,也许再下一个转会期也同样如此。

9.Fernando Gago could be on his way to Liverpool in the summer transfer window, after being told he has no future at Real Madrid.在表露不会再待在皇家马德里之后,在夏季转会窗口开启时,费尔南多·加戈可能奔赴利物浦。

10.Peter: Actually, I've always wanted to bring you to the fair with me in the summer, but never had the courage to ask?事实上,我总是想在夏天带你去美丽的地方,但是我从来没有勇气去问你?