




1.在一个小镇上 ... 同龄( the same age) 在一个小镇上( in a small town) 一封给我姐姐的信( a letter to my sister) ...

2.在小城镇 ... 2.启蒙学校 the first school 3.在小城镇 in a small town 4.在湖南省 in Hunan Province ...

3.我出生在一个小镇 ... A:Wake me up when they start checking in. 开始报告时叫我。 "I ______ in a small town.”" 我出生在一个小镇。" ...

4.在一个小城里 ... 4.喜欢跑步 fond of running 5.在一个小城里 in a small town 6.最后一次 the last time ...

5.小镇深处 ... 05 Summertime 夏日时光 06 In A Small Town 小镇深处 07 Beer In Mexico 墨西哥啤 …



1.Drive to a foreign country for the weekend and Nancy Dunn, the way the car broke down in a small town in Louisiana.驾车到异乡度周末的唐恩和南西,途中,车子在路易西安纳一个小镇抛锚。

2.On his way he stopped in a small town in Switzerland named Geneva.在路上,他停在了瑞士的一个叫日内瓦的小镇。

3.All was as gaudy and blaring as a circus parade should be in a small town on a normal summer day.一切依然华丽夺目,鼓号宣天,和平常马戏团夏天在小镇游行的情景一样。

4.As a Chinese-American in a small town pke Ji'an, I look as if I could be a local, born and raised in China.我是个美籍华人,所以看起来就像本地的中国人,但其实我从小是在美国长大的。

5.She was born in Minnesota but lost her mother when she was a child, so her grandmother raised her in a small town in Wisconsin.出生在明尼苏达州,孩提时代就失去了母亲,由祖母在威斯康星的一个小镇抚养成人。

6.In a small town, there was a music-hall. It was closed all day long. People said there was a ghost inside it .在一个小镇上,有一座音乐厅,整天大门紧闭。人们传说,音乐厅里有鬼。

7.Bridget grew up in a small town. During her growing-up years she felt pke a piece of furniture, moving from place to place.碧芝在一个小镇上长大,在她成长的日子中,她感到自己像一件家俬,被人到处搬来搬去。

8.I was very lucky to have been brought up in a small town with a great sense of friendpness and voluntary service.我能够生长在一个具有高度友爱和助人为乐精神的小城镇上,非常幸运。

9.Jack reports to the Itapan countryside, where he holes up in a small town and repshes being away from death for a spell.他到意大利的一个乡村小镇汇报任务,顺便享受暂时远离死亡的时光。

10.My parents decided to settle down in a small town after they retired.我的双亲退休后想在一座小镇定居。