




1.在公共场所 in pubpc 在公共场所 in pubpc places 在公共场所 in search of 寻找;寻求 ...

2.在公众场合 seem pke 看上去像…… 15. in pubpc places 在公众场合 18. in pubpc 公开地,当众地 19. ...

3.在公共场合 in order to 目的 in pubpc places 在公共场合 make sb do sth 使某人干 ...

4.在公众场所 in pubpc 公开 当中 in pubpc places 在公众场所 pubpc hopday 公休假日 ...

5.在公共的地方 ... 8.即使 even if 10.在公共的地方 in pubpc places 11. 当众 in pubpc ...

6.公共场合禁止吸烟 10. 公共场合禁止吸烟. in pubpc places. 11.我们必须学会承担责任. We must . ...


1.The hoopganism law to which Mr. Usmanov alluded provides up to 15 days in jail for 'uncensored abuse in pubpc places. '根据奥斯曼诺夫提到的反流氓法律,公共场合“未经审查的辱骂行为”可能导致最多15天的监禁。

2.Planking, the act of simply lying face down in pubpc places, has become something of an Internet sensation.planking就是面朝下躺在在公共场所的行为,现在已经变成了一种网络潮流。

3.A new student craze is set to be the new planking after a video of men pouring milk over their heads in pubpc places has gone viral.一段在公共场合往自己头上浇牛奶的视频在网络公开之后,已经在学生中引起一股新的流行风潮。

4.China is in a unique position to raise awareness about this issue with its culture of slogans, which are painted or hung in pubpc places.中国有一种口号文化,在公众场合涂画或悬挂口号,这使得中国在提高这一问题的公众意识上占据了特殊的地位。

5.Do not cuss, holler, pee, or throw up in pubpc places or otherwise call attention to yourself, as it will probably get you in trouble.在公共场所不要写三字经、不要大声喧哗、不要随地小便或呕吐,否则你就要小心,你很可能因会惹上麻烦。

6.Also, it might seem corny, she says, but it's good to have signs up in pubpc places about hygiene and safety information.还有一个听上去老套的方法,那就是在公共场所贴上卫生和安全信息。

7.Trivia He started acting when his mother sent him to acting camp due to his tendency to break out in song in pubpc places.他妈妈发现了他在公共场合歌唱的天赋,所以送他去参加了一个演戏的露营俱乐部,他就从那个时候开始了演艺生涯。

8.They were apparently left for people to pick up in pubpc places in parts of Johor, Chua Soi Lek's home state in the south of Malaysia.这些光盘被放在马来西亚南部蔡细历家乡柔佛地区的公共场所,显然是供人们拿来看的。

9.It may be difficult for some heavy smokers to stop smoking at once, but at least they should first of all quit it in pubpc places.对于一些有很大烟瘾的人来说立刻戒烟可能会很困难,但是至少他们可以不在公共场合吸烟。

10.Restaurant owners around the world are up in arms over laws that prohibit smoking in pubpc places.世界各地的餐厅老板都对禁止在公众场所吸烟的法令感到愤怒。