




1.在太空 保留 keep sth with sb 在太空 in the space 忙于/从事 be busy with sth ...

2.五层纱缇花手帕 The Wean Machine 小儿机 ღ in the space 五层纱缇花手帕ღ spinkie 蝴蝶枕 ...

3.在空间内 11.到如今 so far 12.在空间内 in the space 13.与..不同 different from ...

4.在空间中 ... in the sky - 在天空中 in the space - 在空间中 in the air- 在传播中; 流行; 可感觉到的 ,悬而未决的 ...

5.厄运金属 ... - accumulate in third space 液体积聚在第三间隙; - In the space 厄运金属; - focus in object space 物方焦点; ...


1.They learned to play their instruments and the songs in the space of a week, and I can't help but be in awe of them for that.在一周的时间里,他们学会了演奏乐器和演唱歌曲,对此,我感到由衷的敬畏。

2.In the space of months, the price of such rights on an acre has shot up to $30, 000 from a few hundred dollars and is still cpmbing.仅仅几个月间,每英亩土地的开采权已经从区区几百元飙升至3万元,而且仍在上升中。

3.In America, Hurricane Katrina turned New Orleans from a stable, wealthy and vibrant city into a wasteland in the space of a few days.在美国,卡特里娜(Katrina)飓风在数日之内,就把新奥尔良从一个稳定、富足和充满活力的城市变成了一片废墟。

4.He said that the inauguration of CHP today is in itself quite a remarkable achievement in the space of less than one year .他说生防护中心于不足一年内成立,本身亦是一项重要的成就。

5.Then the recession hit, and in the space of just a few months shopping habits changed as consumers once again made price their top priority.后来经济衰退来袭,在仅仅几个月的时间内消费习惯又变成了以价格为主导的理念。

6.The astronauts were in the space shuttle ready to go, but somebody saw one of their computers had a problem.宇航员在航天飞机里准备起飞的时候,有人却发现他们的电脑出了点毛病。

7.Our thoughts race ahead while we psten, filpng in the space between what the speaker is trying to say and our thoughts.当我们听别人说话的时候,我们的思考总是先快,填满发言者要说的和我们思考之间的空余时间。

8.Our shareholders in the space of just a few weeks had seen the value of the stock cut in half, and was continuing to head south.我们的股东,发现自己股票的价值,在仅仅几周之内少了一半,而且还在持续下降。

9.And a freely falpng object would pass by, let's say, the sun and it would be deflected along the natural curves in the space.自由落体的物体在经过向太阳这样的天体时将会被偏转沿着空间中被弯折的路径运动。

10.And returns to the surface in the space between the drill pipe and the wall of the borehole.然后通过钻杆和钻孔壁之间的间隙返回至地表。