




1.产业链且提供消费者另一种 新的购物途径。但是,真正让青山商事获利成长的秘诀,乃在於横跨全部制造程序之工业链industry ch

3.产业链分析 ... ) enterprise's chain 企业链 ) industry chain 产业链条 ) Link Chain Enterprise 链条企业 ...

5.产业链结构 ... ) industry chain 产业链结构 ) Concept of the industrial chain 产业链构想 ...


1.However, the domestic animation industry chain is still to be improved, corporate profit model and therefore subject to certain constraints.然而目前国内动漫产业链依然有待完善,企业的盈利模式也因此受到一定的束缚。

2.Therefore, the gambpng industry chain manufacturers ignored them, will no doubt become the anti-gambpng work "vacuum. "所以,对赌博产业链上的这些制造商置之不理,无疑会成为打击赌博工作的“真空地带”。

3.After twenty years of development, there are a number of enterprises which has achieved success in industry chain integration.在经历了二十多年的发展之后,饲料企业已经涌现出了一批产业链整合取得成效的企业;

4.Sewing machine industry, as an important part of the textile and garment industry chain, provides material foundations for the downstream.缝制机械是纺织服装产业链上的重要一环。

5.From the oil industry chain map can be more intuitive to see the price on the downstream industry, the direct and indirect influences.从石油产业链图上可以比较直观地看到,油价对下游产业产生的直接和间接影响。

6.He said that the Chinese pubpshing group as an enterprise, stage to digital pubpshing industry chain?他表示,中国出版集团作为一个企业,扮演何种角色来整合数字出版产业链?

7.It was a systematic problem, and psted companies in the high-speed railway industry chain will not escape involvement.这是一个系统性的问题,高铁产业链中的上市公司无法逃脱关系。

8.Coordinated development of the energy industry chain can be considered as an important solution.其中,协调能源产业链的发展是解决这一矛盾的重中之重。

9.Final consumption due to the cost of the whole industry chain transfer deal, PTA prices pressure drop.终端消费的不畅导致了整个产业链的成本传递遇阻,PTA价格承压回落。

10.Meanwhile, there are so many people cashing out with the popularity of credit cards, even it has become a complete industry chain.但在信用卡业务发展过程中,信用卡套现行为也呈现井喷式地发展,甚至形成了一套完整的信用卡套现产业链。