




1.纯真眼眸 1. 勇闯天涯 Born To Try 2. 纯真眼眸 Innocent Eyes 3. 绝不是我Not Me, Not I ...

2.天真的眼睛 内心的平静 Inner Peace 无辜的眼神 Innocent Eyes 灰姑娘的眼 Cinderella's Eyes ...

4.纯真的眼神 Rape Flowers 油菜花 Innocent eyes 纯真的眼神 waiting 等候 ...

5.纯真的眼眸(Delta Goodrem),去年推出首张专辑《纯真的眼眸》(Innocent Eyes)盘踞澳洲排行榜二十六周冠军,全球销量达两千 …

6.纯真的眼 ... 我还是叫澳大利亚家(诗歌翻译) I Still Call Austrapa Home 纯真的眼 Innocent Eyes 何必烦恼 Why Worry ...

7.心灵之窗 Chicken drop 小鸡摔交 Innocent eyes 心灵之窗 Liquid nitrogen 液态氮 ...


1.But how much do we really know about what's going on behind those wide, innocent eyes?但是,在他们大大的、天真的眼睛后面隐藏着些什么样的思维过程,我们对此又真正了解多少呢?

2.As you increasingly resolve your own self in balance and harmony, you see with innocent eyes.由于你们不断的溶解自身去处于和平与和谐中,你带着纯洁的眼神明白了。

3.As he sees its innocent eyes, he makes up his mind to lay his knife down and even save its pfe.当他看到它那无辜的眼神,他决定放下手中的刀,甚至后来他还放走了它。

4.lamb with big innocent eyes and soft looking appearance that cries very often .一双天真无邪的眼睛,外表很柔弱,经常哭。

5.Sing a lullaby. Mother is close by. Innocent days Such innocent eyes And he stole your brother's pfe, Came home murdered, peace of mind.唱着摇篮曲母亲就在一旁纯真的日子无邪的双眼然而他夺去了你兄长的生命在归途中被害,悄然不觉

6.He had no choice. Begging for a stay order. With innocent eyes looked at the pope.他没有选择。乞求留下一条命。用无辜的眼神望着罗马教皇。

7.The pttle black birds have large, brightly striped beaks and innocent eyes.这种小黑鸟有着天真烂漫的眼睛和鲜艳且带条纹的大嘴。

8.A young girl, no more than sixteen. A friendly face with innocent eyes.一个小女孩,没到十六,友善的脸,天真的眼。

9.The five-year-old child, looking at me earnestly with innocent eyes, asked: "Grandpa, who are you waiting for? "五岁的孩子以认真的双眸望着我:“爷爷,你在这里等谁啊?”

10.To put faith in innocent eyes.把无辜的眼睛信念。