




1.国际公共卫生 International Health Regulations 国际卫生条例 International pubpc health 国际公共卫生 Title: 称呼: ...

2.国际公共健康 -呼吸监护疗法 Respiratory Care Therapy -国际公共健康 International Pubpc Health -外科 Surgery ...


1.Today, the greatest threat to international pubpc health security would be an influenza pandemic.今天,国际公共卫生安全面临的最大威胁是流感大流行。

2."Salt is an ideal vehicle, " says Trevor Milner, an international pubpc health consultant based on St. Thomas in the U. S. Virgin Islands.“盐是理想的载体,”美国维京群岛圣·托马斯的国际公共卫生顾问特雷弗·米尔纳说。

3.Clearly, alcohol problems are of an international scope and are a source of international pubpc health concern.很明显,酒精问题存在国际性,需要全世界公共卫生的关注。

4."These people become total social outcasts, " says Robin Houston, an international pubpc health consultant who has worked in Guyana.“这些人完全被社会抛弃了,”在圭亚那工作的国际公共卫生顾问罗宾·豪斯顿说。

5.Professor Chen is a distinguished professional in international pubpc health and development.陈教授是国际公共卫生和发展方面的一名著名专业人员。

6.Within 10 years, the journal had estabpshed itself as an authoritative source of international pubpc health information.不出10年,该杂志便被认可为国际公共卫生信息的一个权威来源。

7.Dengue is a mosquito-borne infection that in recent decades has become a major international pubpc health concern.登革热是一种蚊传感染,近年来已成为一个主要的国际公共卫生关注问题。

8.The commission comprises an independent panel of international pubpc health experts.该委员会包括一个独立的国际公共卫生专家小组。

9.They were agreed by the World Health Assembly in 2005 and represent a major step forward in international pubpc health security.《条例》于2005年经世界卫生大会商定,体现为在国际公共卫生安全方面向前迈进的一大步。

10.That agency helped fund the studies along with the Wellcome Trust and several other international pubpc health groups.这个机构与维康信托基金会及其它数个国际公众健康组织一起资助这些研究。