




1.互联网世界_百度空间 ... (0)#网络世界 internet world (0)#游戏世界 game world ...

3.因特网世界Jane Harper)一起参加在加州圣荷西举行的因特网世界Internet World)研讨会,会中展示的大部分技术都来自籍籍无名的 …

4.互联网世界统计 黑金刚1 gb ddr2 800 互联网世界统计 internet world 互联网应用 rich internet bp ...

5.网际网路世界商展,如拉斯韦加斯的康戴克斯(Comdex)商展、因特网世界大展(Internet World)、CeBIT(于德国汉诺威(Hannover) 举行的世 …

7.网路世界月,知名网路集团Internet网址被屏蔽旗下杂志《网路世界》(Internet World)上专栏「冲浪板」,(Surf Board)当期谈论了几个 …


1.Today's Internet world is supposed to help you sell more of your products and services.当今的网络世界会为你销售出更多的服务和产品。

2.If, on his watch, Google cedes its position at the forefront of the internet world, it wouldn't be for a lack of ideas.如果在佩奇的领导下,谷歌失去了互联网世界的领导地位,不会是因为缺乏新想法。

3.Java and Javascript is one of the latest buzz words to hit the Internet world.Java和Javascript是Internet世界中最新的热门话题之一。

4.It has benefited from the streaming Internet world and growth of services pke movie provider Netfpx.它因互联网流量和电影提供商Netfpx等服务的增加而受益。

5.Indeed, Nokia has been already vocal and ambitious about the company's role in the Internet world.事实上,诺基亚已经表述了关于在互联网世界里地位的雄心。

6.Yet both sides agree that the internet world is being transformed by a number of powerful forces, three of which stand out.不过双方有一点是相同的,即一些强大的力量正在改变着互联网世界,其中三股力量最为比较突出。

7.The internet world is much faster-paced than the database product world, and I was frustrated by our slow, waterfall process.互联网世界比数据库产品变化快得多,我对缓慢、瀑布型的过程感到沮丧。

8.secondly , in the internet world , every action by customers can be recorded and analyzed.此外,在互联网世界里,买家在网上的活动均可记录在案及加以分析。

9.Just how quickly people will adapt to a voice-based internet world is uncertain.人们对基于语音的网络交流速度适应情况是不确定的。

10.The Internet world tides tend to you beat all the speed of development.互联网世界的潮起潮落往往以你意想不到的速度发展。