




1.把……摔成碎片 ... blow v. 刮 smash sth. into pieces 把……摔成碎片 crash v. 受挤压而变碎 ...

2.把……切成小片 ... cut off electricity 切断电源 cut sth. into pieces 把……切成小片(碎) cut oneself 割伤自己 ...

3.把……切碎 ... bring sb. back 送某人回来 cut sth. into pieces 把……切碎 think of 想象,考虑,想起 ...

4.撕成碎片 Each;apiece: 每一个;每一件: Apart;into pieces: 分开;撕成碎片: tore it up. 把它撕碎 ...

5.摔粉碎 ... promptly adv. 迅速地 smash sth. into pieces 摔粉碎 crash: 受挤压而变碎 ...

6.把…撕碎 take measures / steps 采取措施 623. tear in/to/into pieces 把…撕碎 652. tell sb.of/about sth. 告诉某人某事 54. 以 ...

7.使成为碎片 ... break sth. to pieces 使成为碎片 break sth. into pieces 使成为碎片 break sth. in pieces 使成为碎片 ...


1.The hangman cut the poor farmer's hands and legs, then cut the rest of his body into pieces, finally his head!刽子手用斧子砸断这个农民的四肢,把他的全身切成碎片,最后砍下他的头!

2.Cut the stuff into pieces of meat whose sizes are similar to that of the feeding inlet after its skin and bone are removed.移除的东西都切得粉碎,其肉的入料口的皮肤后大小相似,和骨骼。

3.What I could not tolerate was that he tore the letter into pieces in the presence of me.我无法容忍的是他竟然当着我面把这份珍贵的信撕了个粉碎。

4.If I didn't stop him in time, these palm leaves would be boiled into pieces.我要不及时制止,这贝叶早就被煮烂了。

5.Mother cut the birthday cake into pieces and gave one of each of the children.妈妈把生日蛋糕切成了块并分给每个孩子一块。

6.The sea was trying to break the ship into pieces, and we had very pttle time.海浪似乎极力地想把船击成粉碎,我们只有很少的时间了。

7.Sometimes he is pretty naughty, what he pkes is to tear the newspaper into pieces all over the floor. However, he is quite a good puppy.有时他也很淘气,很喜欢撕报纸,经常弄的满地都是,不过他很乖,很听话。

8.If it were not you, we would have torn you into pieces. To show our mercy, we just want one of your legs. " . "但是你是我们的朋友,为了表示我们的仁慈,我们只吃你一条腿就算了。

9.As they day came when they agreed to meet for lunch, everything seem to have crumbled into pieces.但当他们约好一起去吃午饭的那天到来的时候,一切美梦似乎都破碎了。

10.He is said to have brought back pfe to the children who had been chopped into pieces by their butcher fath er.据说,他恢复了被他们那屠夫父亲砍成碎片的孩子们的生命。