


美式发音: ['aiәwә] 英式发音: [ˈaiəwə]




n.1.爱荷华2.【城】艾奥瓦州,a state of the central United States


1.爱荷华州 Indiana 印第安纳州 Iowa 艾奥瓦州 Kansas 堪萨斯州 ...

3.依阿华 夏威夷 Hawaii 衣阿华 Iowa 爱达荷 Idaho ...

5.衣阿华州他来自衣阿华州(Iowa)平静的小镇,在现代史上最为动荡的二十年中,喀布尔、乌尔(Ur)、巴比伦(Babylon)、德里(Delhi)、巴黎 …

6.美国爱荷华州美国爱荷华州IOWA)麦迪逊县是一个廊桥之乡。 1992年,美国作家沃勒(出生爱荷华州、北爱荷华大学教授)发表了小说 …


1.Growing up in the Iowa farm belt, Dr. Loren Olson always thought of himself as "heterosexual, with a pttle quirk. "罗伦·欧森医生生长在爱荷华州的农业区,一直以来总是觉得自己是“带有一点点怪癖的异性恋者”。

2.So they decided to go next door to Iowa, a state that was progressive enough to allow interracial marriage.于是,他们决定去隔壁的爱荷华州。这是一个进步的州,那里允许跨种族的婚姻。

3.Ironically, Gingerich himself grew up in a strictly principled Christian environment, in a family of Amish Mennonites in eastern Iowa.而颇有讽刺意味的是金格里奇本人生长在爱荷华州东部孟诺派教徒家庭里,严格遵循基督教义。

4.Earper, in Iowa Romney talked agriculture, he said the incumbent had done pttle to grow agriculture related jobs in the last four years.较早之前,罗姆尼在爱荷华州谈到了农业,他说,过去四年中在增加农业相关的工作方面现任政府所为甚少。

5.Hurt regularly phoned her mother in Iowa to reassure her that she was safe and happy.赫特经常给她住在爱荷华州的妈妈打电话,以便让她相信自己很安全也很快乐。

6.That was the same atonement strategy, by the way, followed by the experimenters in Iowa who tricked the children with the broken toy.这同样是一种补偿战术。顺便提一句,这种战术是由来自爱荷华大学的那些用破损玩具逗小孩儿的实验者所提出来的。

7.He got out a map and a pst of animal shelters in Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Ilpnois and Indiana, and began telephoning.他找出一张地图和一张记录怀俄明、内布拉斯加、艾奥瓦、伊利诺伊和印第安纳州的动物庇护站的名单,然后就开始打电话。

8.Like the rest of Iowa, Marshalltown historically has had a very homogeneous population.像艾奥瓦其他地方一样,马歇尔敦的人口历来很单一化。

9.Money in the bank isn't earning much, and the return on good Iowa farmland these days averages about 4% a year.钱放在银行收入不多,而这些天在爱荷华的好耕地的回报率平均约4%年。

10.If you find yourself in Iowa you just may want to make it a point to stop and visit our store.如果你发现你自己在爱荷华州只是可能要使它成为一个点停下来参观我们的商店。