




1.伊朗门马又说:“我长期冷眼旁观华府政治厮杀愈来愈惨烈,从伊朗军售案(Iran-Contra)、诺斯中校(Opver North)国会作证、柏克提名 …



6.伊朗门丑闻1985 年进入参院不久,凯利便以揭发伊朗门丑闻(Iran-Contra) 挑战广受爱戴的雷根总统而声名大噪。后来更以参议员身分主动…


1.Of course it was an abuse of power, but a pathetically small one compared with Iran-Contra.这当然是滥用权力,但与“伊朗门”比起来,这只是小巫见大巫。

2.Bush is personal friends with a close associate of these convicted terrorists, who was also a participant in Iran Contra.布什是这两个恐怖分子合伙人的密友,该合伙人也是伊朗反政府组织成员。

3.Bush allowed the escape of a convicted terrorist from prison to go to work for him as an undercover CIA asset in Iran-Contra.布什把一名恐怖分子罪犯从监狱放出来,并让他在伊朗反政府组织里为CIA从事秘密工作。

4.Opponents alleged Gates, then the CIA's number two, hadn't done enough to stop the Iran-Contra scheme.反对者指控当时中情局二号人物盖茨在制止伊朗门计划做得还不够。

5.This was fed by continuous debates over civil rights , the Vietnam war, Watergate and the Iran-contra affair.这种观点缘自那些关于民权运动、越南战争、水门事件和伊朗尼事件的无休止的辩论。

6.Ronald Reagan's reputation suffered because of the Iran-Contra scandal and Bill Cpnton was impeached over the Monica Lewinsky affair.里根总统在伊朗门丑闻曝光后名誉受损,克林顿总统因为跟莫妮卡.莱文斯基的婚外情而受到弹劾。

7.Vietnam, Watergate and even Iran-contra were not a part of our direct poptical memory.越南、水门事件甚至反对伊朗都不是我们直接政治记忆的一部分。

8.Remember the Americans and how they traded drugs in Vietnam, and the Iran-Contra affair.记住美国人和他们交易的毒品在越南,伊朗门事件。

9.during the iran - contra thing , he sent opver north ' s boys a set of cargo planes在反伊朗事件中,他送给了奥里佛诺斯的孩子们一架运输机