


英文单词:日本政府债券(Japanese Government Bonds);日本国债(Japanese Government Bond);日本公债


1.日本政府债券(Japanese Government Bonds)


1.Pondering these numbers, JGB speculators must have thought they had found a gold mine.考虑到这些数字,JGB投资者必定认为他们已经找到了一座金矿。

2."[The purchases] definitely stood out. It will fan those perceptions that there will be a steady increase of flow into the JGB market. "“(中国的购买)确实引人注目。它将强化这样一种看法,即中国将稳步增加流向日本国债市场的投资。”

3.Still, bond traders have frequently been caught out by the idiosyncrasies of the JGB market before.不过,日本国债市场的特异性曾经让债券交易商屡屡失手。

4.Any further increases in JGB sales this year could refocus attention on whether the BOJ will step up its purchases.只要今年公债发行量进一步上升,都可能让关注重点回到央行是否会扩大购买公债。

5.He wanted Beijing policymakers responsible for recent JGB purchases to "clarify their objectives" .他希望负责近期日本国债购买的中国政策制定者“澄清其目标”。

6.Market players said how Treasuries fare may be key to the JGB market's performance going forward.市场人士表示,美债走势对日本公债的将来表现可能至关重要。

7."The biggest factor [for JGB yields] is the yen levels, " said Hajime Takata, chief fixed income strategist at Mizuho.“(对日本国债收益率来说)日元汇率是最大的影响因素。”瑞穗证券(Mizuho)首席固定收益策略师HajimeTakata表示。

8.The JGB market showed little reaction earlier this year when S&P downgraded the country's credit rating.在标普今年早些时候调降日本债务评级时,日本国债市场反应十分平淡。

9.Studies leading to the binding of Janus Green B(JGB)with Xanthan were presented here.研究了黄原胶和键那绿B(JGB)结合的共振散射光谱。

10.Bond market players expect JGB issuance to rise by another 5 trillion yen or so this fiscal year to cover the shortfall.债市人士预计,本财年日债发行量会再增5万亿日圆,作填补资金空缺之用。
