


英文单词:经科;触发器;开玩笑别当真(just kidding)


1.经科 日本 ~ 金嗓子 | 英国 ~~ 欧尼士 Onix | 家用投影机 | 投影幕布 | 经科 JK | 英国 ~ 剑桥 Azur | ...

2.触发器 DPY_7-SEG_DP 数码管 4027 JK 触发器 DXP2004 下 ...

3.开玩笑别当真(just kidding)国通用(GE)、上海亚明(亚字、1923牌)、福建源光亚明(JK)、三雄极光(PAK)、惠州雷士(NVC)、西..


1.The actress broke down in tears as she said her thanks and was comforted by fellow cast members and by the author JK Rowling.艾玛致谢时不禁桑然泪下,她的伙伴们以及原著作者罗琳见状在一旁连忙安慰着她。

2.But JK Rowling did at least win top marks for teaching the children of the world the joy of reading with her Harry Potter sagas.起码在让世上的孩子了解阅读的乐趣这方面,罗琳和她的哈里?波特系列传奇做得非常不错。

3.JK - It's when you're trying to watch other bands , I mean I know people aren't being rude but sometimes you just wanna go home [ laughs ] .你看看其他乐队就知道了,我是说我知道他们不是真的很粗鲁,其实他们就是想回家。(笑)

4.JK: Man has always been in trouble, in turmoil, in fear. And facing all the confusion of the world, can there be a solution to all this?克:人类一直处于麻烦、混乱和恐惧中。面对世界的困惑,所有这些是否能有一种解决之道?

5.Harry Potter fans are on tenterhooks before a press conference in which JK Rowling has promised to lift the veil on her next venture.这场新闻发布会之前,哈迷们都寝食难安,因为JK罗琳承诺要在会上为她的下一步举动揭开面纱。

6.Harry Potter author JK Rowling may be about to announce an online game based on her wizard character.哈利波特的作者JK罗琳可能将发布一个以她的魔法人物为依托的在线游戏。

7.If JK Rowling controls her own ebook rights [then] there's less money for her publisher to invest in new authors.如果JK罗琳拥有自己的电子书版权,她的出版商用于培养新作家的资金就会减少。

8.JK Rowling has written a series of books about Harry Potter, a boy with a scar on his forehead and a secret past.jk罗琳写了关于哈利波特的系列丛书,这个孩子的前额有一块伤疤,身世隐密。

9.JK is a component used for communication between Web servers and Apache Tomcat connectors.JK是一个用于在Web服务器和ApacheTomcat连接器之间通信的组件。

10.Throughout JK Rowling's books and film adaptations, Neville was a subject of ridicule by school villain Draco Malfoy and his cronies.纵观J.K.罗琳的书和改编电影,纳威一直都是校园恶霸德拉克·马尔福和他的密友们的愚弄对象。