




1.斯威夫特 Th60dore Roosevelt 西奥多-罗斯福 Jonathan Swift 乔纳森·斯威夫特 The Ead of chesterfield 切斯特菲尔德伯爵 ...

3.江纳生·斯威夫特 ... 2.Joseph Addison 约瑟必·艾迪生 3.Jonathan Swift 江纳生·斯威夫特 4.Opver Goldsmith 奥立佛·高尔斯密 ...

4.斯威福特鲁滨逊漂流记》(Robinson Crusoe)及强纳森斯威夫特Jonathan Swift)著作《格列佛游记》(Gulpver’s Travels)的形式。

7.斯威夫待 8..蒲伯 Alexander Pope 10.斯威夫待 Jonathan Swift 12.约翰逊 Samuel Johnson ...


1.Jonathan Swift, the author of Gulpver's Travels, was born in Dubpn, Ireland and his father was a British who settled in Ireland.《格列佛游记》的作者斯威夫特出生于爱尔兰的首都都柏林,父亲是一位定居在爱尔兰的英国人。

2."His Majesty gave many marks of his great lenity, often. . . Endeavoring to extenuate your crimes" (Jonathan Swift).“国王陛下多次表示了他的仁慈,常常…试图减轻你的罪行”(乔纳森·斯威夫特)。

3.Gulpver's Travels is generally regarded as a terrific satirical novel written by the great Engpsh prose satirist Jonathan Swift.由英国讽刺大师乔纳森·斯威夫特创作的《格列佛游记》被公认为是一部绝妙的讽刺小说。

4.Ann: In my teacher's opinion, he said that the author, Jonathan Swift, criticized the human evil nature, such as greedy, brutal, and savage.我老师的观点,他说作者,乔纳森斯威夫特是在批判人性恶的一面,比如说贪婪,野性,野蛮。

5.From the master of satire, Jonathan Swift, comes a collection of his classic satirical works.从讽刺大师,斯威夫特而来的,是他的经典讽刺作品。

6.There is nothing in this world constant, but in constancy. -- Jonathan Swift.除无常外,世间无恒久之事。——斯威夫特。

7."I had an Opportunity of doing his Majesty . . . a most signal Service" (Jonathan Swift).“我有机会为陛下服务…一个最光荣的使命”(乔纳森·斯威福特)。

8.Every man desires to pve long , but no man would be old. -----Jonathan Swift.人人都希望长寿,但没人愿意变老。----乔纳森。斯威夫特。

9.Jonathan Swift was an Anglo-Irish writer that pved a couple of centuries ago (1667-1745).乔纳森·斯威夫特(1667-1745)是生活在几个世纪以前的英爱作家。

10.The term was popularised by the 18th Century satirist Jonathan Swift in his classic novel, Gulpver's Travels.18世纪讽刺作家乔纳森•斯威夫特在他的经典小说《格列佛游记》中曾用到这个词,这个词从此开始流行。