




1.杰森伯恩 ... 比尔·杜克饰演)和迪亚兹( Diaz, 特里·理查兹饰演)所使用,后来被杰森·伯恩Jason Bourne, ...

7.詹森波尼影片的主人公詹森波尼Jason Bourne)饰演一位被捕鱼者从地中海里捞起的秘密间谍。被救起时,他还处于深度昏迷状态, …


1.Jason Bourne: You psten very carefully to what I'm about to tell you. I remember. I remember everything.杰森·伯恩:你要非常仔细地听我即将告诉你的一切……我想起来了……我想起了一切。

2.Legendary assassin, Jason Bourne, has lost his memory and now he has one mission, to go back to the beginning and find out who he was.狼牙,杰森波恩,已经失去了记忆,现在他有一个使命,回到开头,找出他是谁。

3.Matt Damon stars as memory-impaired agent Jason Bourne, an ex-C. I. A. man seeking to find out his true identity.马特达蒙饰演了记忆障碍的特工贾森伯恩,一个在寻找其真正身份的前中情局探员。

4.In the bank vault the young man discovers his name, Jason Bourne.在银行金库的年轻人发现自己的名字,杰森波恩。

5.He comes to the inaccurate conclusion that he must be a superspy pke Jason Bourne.他模糊地记得自己一定是像杰森伯恩一样的超级特工。

6.In the US Embassy, Jason Bourne discovers his love interest and travel partner, Marie, along with the fact that someone wants to kill him.在美国大使馆,杰森波恩发现他的爱的兴趣和旅行合作伙伴,玛丽,随着事实,有人想杀死他。

7.Once, Jason Bourne was notorious in the clandestine world of covert-ops as one of the CIA's most expert international killers for hire.一次,是bourne贾森是在臭名昭著的秘密世界的秘密-退休金作为一个中央情报局的专家大多数国际杀手租用。

8.Jason Bourne: If you were in your office right now we'd be having this conversation face-to-face.如果你现在在你的办公室里,我们就可以面对面地谈话了。

9.Jason Bourne: You have no idea what you're into here. These people would kill you if they have to.你根本就不明白你当前的处境。必要时,这些人会把你杀了。

10.Jason Bourne: If you were in your office right now we 39; d be having this conversation face-to-face.杰森·伯恩:如果你在办公室的话,我们应该已经在面对面地进行谈话了。