




1.巴斯 ... 主场馆: 斯台普斯球馆( STAPLES Center) 拥有者: 杰里·巴斯( Jerry Buss) 现任主教练: 菲尔-杰克逊( Phil Jacks…

5.湖人队老板巴斯刚去世的湖人队老板巴斯Jerry Buss),其子女目前持有湖人66%股份,史铁波中心(Staples Center)老板安舒兹 (Phipp An…

6.洛杉矶湖人队老板巴斯洛杉矶湖人队老板巴斯(Jerry Buss)在今天湖人队比赛赛前召开了一年一度的当地记者见面会,当被问到有关科比(Kobe Bryant) …

7.湖人班主毕斯湖人班主毕斯Jerry Buss)是加州房地产大亨,美国近年经济虽然疲弱,令加州房地产业陷入低迷,但湖人未来 20年转播费 …

8.老板老巴斯「我爱大老板老巴斯Jerry Buss),但我不相信小巴斯,」魔术强森说,「他领导湖人后已连续犯了两个致命错误。」他认为…


1.Lakers owner Dr. Jerry Buss, Kupchak and Jackson will sit down in the next couple of days to assess the team's future.过几天,湖人老板巴斯、库普切克和杰克逊将会静心坐下来商讨下球队的未来。

2.Odom, who was a free agent this year, wanted to explore his options outside of LA and was quickly disowned by the Lakers' GM Jerry Buss.他在这个赛季后成为自由球员,并且想向湖人狮子大开口,但很快就被湖人老板巴斯拒绝了。

3.Christmas is coming soon, and that's a date circled for vengeance against Boston by no less than Lakers owner Jerry Buss.圣诞节即将到来,不只是湖人老板杰里巴斯,湖人队把这一天当做复仇凯尔特人的日子。

4." Mitch spent so much time learning from Jerry West, essentially it's pke I'm still deapng with Jerry, " Buss says.“米奇花费了很多的时间在学习韦斯特的身上,这样就看起来我还在和韦斯特合作,”巴斯说。

5.After things calmed down, team owner Dr. Jerry Buss said during training camp he was pstening to offers, angering Bryant again.在事情有所缓和后,球队老板杰里-巴斯却在训练营期间表示他会听取其他球队的报价情况来决定是否交易科比,这再次惹怒了科比。

6.Dr. Jerry Buss finally reached out and touched Kobe Bryant, but what if it's too late?Buss总经理最终找到了科比并且联系了他,但是这一切是否迟了?

7.Owner Jerry Buss told Jackson he hoped he'd return when they met this week, although they didn't get into numbers.杰里大老板说了,他希望在这周见面的时候,菲尔能够选择留下来。尽管他们还没有谈好价钱。