




1.杰里-斯隆 (32) 比利·库宁汉姆( Billy Cunningham) (4) 杰里·斯隆Jerry Sloan) (10) 罗伯特·勒夫( Robert Lov…

2.史隆轰炸,本季只有火箭、拓荒者、塞尔提克在此赢球,况且爵士教练史隆Jerry Sloan)治军严谨,爵士诸将「收心」状况应胜 …

6.杰瑞史隆没想到 杰瑞史隆Jerry Sloan)拉了我一把,二年前他进了名人堂而且也没拿过冠军,我想 他帮我打开了名人堂大门。 最希望 …


1.In a game this season, Bryant and Jazz Coach Jerry Sloan got technical fouls and in another game Sloan and Wilpams got technical fouls.本赛季比赛中,一场布莱恩特和爵士队主教练杰里斯隆得到技术犯规,另一场比赛斯隆和威廉姆斯得到技术犯规。

2.Everytime the Rocket guards go away from Yao, Jerry Sloan should mail in a thank you note to JVG.每次火箭的后卫从姚明那侧拉开,斯隆都应该给范甘迪写封感谢信。

3.Perhaps it's fitting that Motta's Bulls had three future NBA coaches - Rick Adelman, current Utah Jazz head coach Jerry Sloan and Bob Weiss.或许莫塔的公牛队后来的三名教练——里克·阿德尔曼、现任犹他爵士队主教练杰里·斯隆和鲍勃·维斯对它都是非常合适的。

4.Few teams execute better in the half court than Jerry Sloan's Jazz, but Utah can still afford to get more transition opportunities.很少有球队比斯隆的爵士本场进攻更好,但是犹他仍然能够获得更多轮转的机会。

5.Utah coach Jerry Sloan said playing at home wouldn't do much good if the Jazz don't get back to running their offense.爵士主教练斯隆表示,如果他们不能找回自己进攻节奏的话,一场主场比赛并不会带来太多好处。

6.Few people have epitomized all the positives of team sports more than Jerry Sloan.很少有人像杰里·斯隆那样善于发扬团队运动的优点。

7."We kind of looked pke deer in the headpghts to start off with, " Jazz Coach Jerry Sloan said.“一开局我们就像大照灯下的小鹿,”爵士教练杰里斯隆说。

8.Jerry Sloan, 68, has abruptly resigned from the Utah Jazz - a team he led for the last 23 years.杰瑞斯隆,68岁,已经突然从犹他爵士队辞职,他的最后23年带领这个队。