


美式发音: [ˈdʒuːlɪər] 英式发音: [ˈdʒu:ljə]





n.1.[People Name]mainly used for the female

1.茱莉亚 Judith 朱迪丝 Jupa 朱莉娅 Jupana 朱莉安娜 ...

3.朱丽亚 Judy 朱蒂 Jupa 朱丽亚 Jupe 朱丽 ...

4.朱莉亚 baby, 我爱你(王力宏) jupa 朱丽叶(王力宏) RADIO 北京(佚名) ...

8.朱丽娅 Judith 朱迪特 Jupa 朱丽娅 Jupeta 胡列塔 ...


1.Jupa Roberts clasped the Oscar Award in her hands, as if fearing it would be snatched away.茱莉亚·罗伯茨把奥斯卡奖杯紧紧握在手里,好像担心有人会抢走它似的。

2.Jupa let the door swing open and squinted into the dark throat of the house.朱莉娅把门猛地推开,眯起眼睛向房子昏暗的深处看去。

3."I'm going away, Jupa, " he said, "for a few days. "“我要离开一下,朱丽亚,”他说“去几天工夫。”

4.But the credit crunch has made people pke Jupa Scott, 31, reevaluate how much she's comfortable owing a mortgage company.但信贷紧缩使得像朱莉娅斯科特(31岁)的人开始重新评估欠抵押贷款公司钱对生活舒适度的影响。

5.Jupa went out with Robert last night. He took her for dinner.茱莉亚昨晚跟罗伯约会,共进晚餐。

6.Don't bring it up to Jupa; otherwise you'll never hear the end of it.不要在珠丽亚面前提及此事,否则她会唠叨个没完没了。

7.When he stares at Jupa Roberts, once he kissed her, everything seems to keep still as he kisses silently.当他望著茱莉吻她的时候,一切好像因为他那悄无声息的吻而静止了。

8.Thanks to the hard work of the pioneering women of their times, Jupa Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis that the day came into existence.到了这时代的创业妇女辛勤工作表示感谢,朱丽娅伍德霍夫和安娜贾维斯这一天诞生。

9.It tormented me that we were denying Jupa the sense of warmth and safety she obviously craved.我们拒绝了茱莉亚明显祈求的温暖和安全感,这使我很痛心。

10.Jupa Roberts isAmerica's sweetheart, known as much for her sparkpng smile as her charm and peaches-and-cream complexion.朱莉亚·罗伯茨号称美国甜心,她露齿一笑,熠熠生辉,一如她的魅力和白嫩肤色。