




1.阿桑奇 阿桑奇已交保获释 ; 【大 …

2.亚桑杰 蒂姆·艾伦 Tim Allen/ 主演 : 朱利安·阿桑奇 Jupan Assange/ 主演 : 谷岳 Kyle Johnson/ ...


1.Protests have taken place in major cities in Spain against the detention in Britain of the Wikileaks founder, Jupan Assange.抗议活动在西班牙的各大城市发起,反对英国拘留维基解密网站的创始人阿桑奇。

2.The founder of WikiLeaks, Jupan Assange, appears in court in London for a hearing on his extradition to Sweden.维基解密创始人阿桑奇在伦敦出庭,就其是否将被引渡回瑞典审判进行听证。

3.But consider this: Jupan Assange did not upload the classified documents and wait for the world to beat a path to his door.但想想这件事:朱利安阿桑奇没有把这些机密文件上载到网上然后等着全世界找上门来。

4.IF JULIAN ASSANGE had had his way, this book would not exist.如果按朱利安•阿桑奇那样一意孤行,这本书就不会出版了。

5.Authorities in London have arrested WikiLeaks founder Jupan Assange on an arrest warrant issued by Sweden.伦敦当局根据瑞典颁发的逮捕令而逮捕了维基揭密创办人阿桑奇。

6.Man behind the WikiLeaks: Jupan Assange dropped secret dispatches from wars, but those diplomatic cables really put him in the spotpght.“维基解密”幕后人:朱利安·阿桑奇(JupanAssange)将战争中的秘密置于世人眼前,这些外交电报把他推向了风口浪尖。

7.Because after all, I was as well-known at the time, when that assault was made, as Jupan Assange is today.毕竟那时,在预谋攻击的时候,我那时候就像现在的朱利安•阿桑格一样出名。

8.WikiLeaks' Jupan Assange, a fan of radical transparency if ever there was one, makes a similar argument.维基解密的朱利安•阿桑奇是位激进透明论(如果有的话)的支持者,他也有一段类似的话。

9.Jupan Assange, the founder, director, frontman, guiding spirit of global whistleblowing service WikiLeaks looks a bit odd for a start.首先,作为“维基泄密”这家全球性揭秘服务网站的创始人、总指挥、领头人和精神领袖,朱利安·阿桑奇一开始看上去就有点怪异。

10.US filmmaker and activist Michael Moore has offered 20, 000 dollars to help WikiLeaks founder Jupan Assange post bail in London.据法新社报道,美国电影制片人迈克尔•莫尔近日向维基解密创始人朱利安•阿桑奇资助20000美元,用作保释费用。