




1.朝中社 the June 15th North-South Joint Declaration《6·15 共同宣言》/《南北共同宣言》 KCNA news agency 朝中社 Pyongyang …

2.朝鲜中央通讯社根据朝鲜中央通讯社KCNA news agency)消息,其儿子金正银(Kim Jong-un)目前被正式任命为军队将军,其妹妹金敬姬…


1.North Korea's official (KCNA) news agency says its patrol boat was on a mission to confirm an unidentified object on its side of the border.北韩官方通讯社说,北韩警备艇当时在执行任务,确定北韩海域内的一个不明物体。

2.Pyongyang's official KCNA news agency said only that the two sides discussed "issues of developing relations between the north and south" .平壤的官方媒体朝鲜中央通讯社(KCNA)宣布双方只讨论了“南北双方关系发展的问题”。

3.North Korea's official KCNA news agency lauded Kim's youngest son, Kim Jong-un as "the outstanding leader of our party, army and people. "朝鲜官方通讯社朝中社赞美金正日的幺子金正恩为“我们党和军民卓越的领导者”。

4.'If she keeps to the road of confrontation. . . she will meet a miserable ruin, ' the North's KCNA news agency said.朝中社说,如果她继续走对抗的老路,她只会遭到悲惨的灭亡。

5.North Korea's official KCNA news agency reported that Pyongyang would expel South Korean workers from the Kaesong industrial park.朝鲜官方的朝中社(KCNA)报道,平壤方面将驱逐开城工业园区的韩国工人。