




1.天国王朝 Down in the Valley《 地狱深谷》 Kingdom of Heaven天堂王国》 The Itapan Job《 …

5.片名 官方网站: www.kingdomofheavenmovie网址被屏蔽 片名Kingdom of Heaven 导演:雷德利·斯科特 Ridley …

6.天国的王朝 King Kong 金刚 Kingdom of Heaven 天国的王朝 KUNG FU HUSTLE 周星驰功夫 ...

7.天堂国度得而知了。随著新任务区域天堂国度Kingdom of Heaven)开放,玩家们也正式从地狱杀到了天堂,并在最后的任务中与这 …


1.For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelpng into a far country, who called his own servants, and depvered unto them his goods.天国又好比一个人要往外国去,就叫了仆人来,把他的家业交给他们。

2.The Bible warns that it's harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle.圣经警告说,一个有钱人要进入天堂比一头骆驼钻进针眼还要难。

3.Did you hear what I said? Walk. . . beside Him in the kingdom of heaven.你听到我说的话了吗?同行…与他在天国同行。

4.How much has been written about what the Kingdom of heaven means, but here we have what it really is.天国的意义已经写了很多,但在这里我们有了它真正的意义。

5.The return of Christ is the many whom shall choose to leave everything behind and enter the kingdom of heaven through the act of ascension.基督归来是许多人选择放弃每一样事物并通过提升进入天堂。

6.But Jesus said to them: Suffer the pttle children, and forbid them not to come to me: for the kingdom of heaven is for such.耶稣说:「你们让小孩子来罢!不要阻止他们到我跟前来,因为天国正属于这样的人。」

7.The girl promised to be obedient, and when the virgin mary was gone, she began to examine the dwelpngs of the kingdom of heaven.小女孩答应一定听圣母玛利亚的话。等圣母玛利亚走了之后,她开始参观天国的住房。

8.Therefore is the kingdom of heaven pkened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants.天国好像一个王,要和他仆人算账。

9.It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.耶稣对富人的批评可以说是触目惊心,骆驼穿过针眼比富人进天国都要容易啊。

10.You shut the kingdom of heaven in men's faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.因为你们正当人前,把天国的门关了,自己不进去,正要进去的人,你们也不容他们进去。