


英文单词:锁眼加值语言(Keyhole Markup Language);白马轴承有限公司;地理标记语言


1.锁眼加值语言(Keyhole Markup Language)选项卡中,您可使用图x中所示的加载KML按钮来加载KMLKeyhole Markup Language)文件,然后点击播放按钮,从而定 …

2.白马轴承有限公司 第31章 地图信息服务工具集— —Google Mapplets 第32章 地理标记语言— —KML 第33章 静态地图服务— —Google Static …


1.Save the KML data as a file on your local computer (with a . kml extension or Google Earth won't open it).在本地计算机(要以.kml为扩展名,否则在GoogleEarth中无法打开)中将KML数据存为一个文件。

2.file contains the state's rough border geometries, and the extractStates. pl program will write each of these geometries into its own file网站屏蔽_states.kml文件包含粗略的州轮廓图,而extractStates.pl程序将把每个几何图形写入各自的文件。

3.Each stage is mapped out in the KML in a different color, and it really helps to show the size of the race.每个阶段制定了在KML以不同的颜色,它的确有助于显示了比赛的大小。

4.Below are example KML (Google Earth file format) files created by users and organizations around the world, viewable in Google Earth.以下是范例的KML(谷歌地球文件格式)创建的文件的用户和世界各地的组织,在浏览谷歌地球。

5.One of Google's many excellent KML documentation pages lists an example with a rough outline of U. S. states in KML.Google的许多优秀KML文档页面之一将使用KML列出美国各州的轮廓图。

6.After opening Google Earth and loading the timeMap. kml file, look for the "time slider" in the upper center of the screen.在打开GoogleEarth并载入timeMap.kml文件后,在屏幕中心上方查找“时间滑块”。

7.Writing a KML file requires writing properly formatted text representing the shapes, as shown in Listing 4.编写一个KML文件需要编写代表各种形状的相应格式化文本,如清单4所示。

8.As with KML, commercial and open source mapping APIs have support for GeoRSS, primarily as an import data format.和KML一样,商业化的地图API和开源地图API都支持GeoRSS,并且主要作为导入数据的格式使用。

9.Earlier this year, Google released KML as an open standard that was adopted by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).今年早些时候,Google把KML作为一种开放标准发布,并且被开放地理空间联盟(OGC)采用。

10.Thankfully, Arjan Snaterse has developed the Geo Sitemap and KML Generator , a free tool to help you create the files.幸运的是,阿尔扬Snaterse开发了地理Sitemap和KML发生器,一个免费的工具来帮助您创建的文件。