




1.荷兰皇家电信etwork on Chip (NoC) and Kahn Process Network (KPN) based connectivity among processing elements.

6.荷兰皇家电信公司与荷兰皇家电信公司KPN)共同启动家居智能与网络化项目返回首页 关于技术联盟 申请加盟 权威声音 5个最新产品  PLC-BU…


1.In particular, investors appeared to fear that KPN would bid for Bouygues, a big French mobile operator that could be coming up for grabs.特别的是,投资商似乎担心KPN会参加收购Bouygues的竞标,那是一家很容易到手的法国移动运营商。

2.He took the job only after KPN's bank agreed to provide emergency loans to give him breathing space.当KPN的银行同意提供紧急贷款给他喘息的空间时,他才接受了这份工作。

3.When he arrived as chief executive at KPN in 2001, the Dutch operator had been wrecked by the bubble.当他在2001年以KPN的首席执行官的身份到任时,这个荷兰的运营商已经尝到了泡沫的苦头。

4.abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and antimicrobial resistance of nosocomial Klebsiella pneumoniae(Kpn).目的了解肺炎克雷伯菌医院感染的临床特点与耐药特征。

5.abstract: OBJECTIVE To understand the protile of mobile genetic elements in multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae(MDR-KPN).目的了解多药耐药肺炎克雷伯菌可移动遗传元件的存在状况。

6.First, he persuaded banks to give KPN some breathing space and convinced shareholders to back a rights issue.首先,他说服银行给KPN一些喘息的空间,说服股东回来增股。

7.That rivals the efforts of KPN, a Dutch rival famous for running a tight ship.这简直可以和KPN——一个以纪律严明而闻名的荷兰竞争对手——媲美。

8.But KPN's shares have lagged its peers' in recent months despite its bold advance into the world of IP.虽然向IP世界跨出了勇敢的一步,KPN的股票在最近几月里还是落后于同类公司。

9.KPN has replaced 1, 300 telephone exchanges with just 100 IP centres, and raised Euro 1 billion by selling property as it did so.KPN仅仅用了100部IP中枢就取代了1,300门电话交换机,而且通过出售那些财产筹集了10亿欧元。
