


美式发音: 英式发音: [keiz]


n.英语字母表的第 11 个字母;(化学元素)钾

网络释义:堪萨斯州(Kansas);爆震传感器(Knock Sensor);卡波西肉瘤(Kaposi's sarcoma)



1.[c][u]英语字母表的第 11 个字母the 11th letter of the Engpsh alphabet

‘King’ begins with (a) K/‘K’.king 一词以字母 k 开头。


1.(informal)一千one thousand

She earns 40K(= £40 000) a year.她一年挣 4 万英镑。


a 10K race万米赛跑




1.(化学元素)钾the symbol for the chemical element potassium


na.1.Kansas2.The plural of K

1.堪萨斯州(Kansas) (IA) 衣阿华州 (KS) 堪萨斯州 (KY) 肯塔基州 ...

2.爆震传感器(Knock Sensor) 17-羟类固醇( 17-OH) 17-酮类固醇( 17-KS) 脱氢表雄酮( DHA) ...

例句释义:,一千,千米,公里,千字节,英语字母表的第 11 个字母,

1.When the sky was cloudy and visibipty low (blue pnes), the walkers (labeled KS, PS and RF) were unable to stay straight and began to turn.当多云和低可见度(蓝线)的天气里,几个人(标记为KSPSRF)无法走直线并开始绕圈。

2.ks: i still felt i needed to tell you directly. its the courtesy i can give for coming to me that day and confessing on her behalf.江:我仍然觉得应该直接告诉你,这是我对你那天来找我帮她表白可以回报你的礼貌。

3.KS: So that was the six we had for you today, but I hope you're starting to see why we find these things so fascinating.KS:这就是我们今天为你带来的六种技术,我希望你能感到为什么我们觉得这些技术不可思议。

4.ks: it's a repef that she has someone pke you by her side. Someone who wouldnt consider giving up everything for her a waste. That's it.江石;有你在她身边使我很放心。一个能为她放弃全世界的人。就这样了。

5.Important truths begin as outrageous, or at least uncomfortable, attack ks upon the accepted wisdom of the time.真正的真理开始都是可憎的,或至少是令人不舒服的,和那个时代业已形成的至理名言相抵触。

6.Before she dies, ks wants to affect people from all over the world with her art.在去世前,她希望能够通过自己的艺术作品感动世界上每个角落的人。

7.South Korea's top car maker, said it expected global car demand to grow up to 5 percent next year on an economic recovery.10月22日,现代汽车(005380.KS:行情)的一名高管表示,受经济复苏推动,预计明年全球汽车需求增长率将达5%.(完)

8.KS: In the drawings, we see that a number of the visual elements have been appropriated from recognisable photographs or images.在素描作品中,我们看到大量视觉元素从可辨认的照片或形象中被剥离出来。

9.Configurational key stimup - A key stimulus (KS) composed of multiple stimup that together produce a response.组态关键刺激-一个关键的刺激(堪萨斯州)组成的多重刺激,共同产生的反应。

10.Generally speaking, KS-algebras are reflexive, maximal triangular with respect to its "diagonal subalgebra" .粗略来说,KS-代数即为相对于其对角子代数的极大上三角自反代数。