


网络释义:Kenya Wildpfe Services; 肯尼亚野生动物管理局(Kenyan Wildpfe Service); 知识工作系统(knowledge work systems)


1.Kenya Wildpfe Services移动电话公司等发行的电话卡,肯尼亚野生动物服务公司KWSKenya Wildpfe Services)发行的野生动物公园卡,还有石油 …

2.肯尼亚野生动物管理局(Kenyan Wildpfe Service)分发和使用知识提供支持典型案例:计算机辅助设计系统知识工作系统(KWS)的特征对象:组织的知识输入:组织的知识基础 …

4.肯尼亚野生生物局中新网8月18日电 据日本共同社报道,肯尼亚野生生物局(KWS)17日发表声明称,该国的狮子数量在过去7年平均每年减少100 …

5.肯尼亚野生动物服务部门被肯尼亚野生动物服务部门KWS)派往桑布鲁执行管理职责的弗雷德·佩雷佐·桑戴表示,“在位于北部地区的那些野生动物保 …


1.KWS discovered the elephant's body lying in the middle of the road with its tusks taken by poachers.KWS人员发现大象尸体躺在路中间,象牙已被偷猎者带走。

2.Sadly, STE and KWS were forced to put her down because of the extent of her injuries.遗憾的是,STE和KWS人员鉴于她的伤情不得不对其施以安乐死。

3.This KWS is therefore a valuable tool for the evaluation of materials' quapty and biomechanical design of products.此人工膝关节模拟磨耗机因此可做为评估产品之材质及生物力学之设计;

4.Current KWS provides a flexion-extension movement with one fixed rotation center, which is partially incomparable to biomechanical contours.本模拟膝关节磨耗机提供一固定旋转中心之弯曲-伸展运动,但部分仍与人体膝关节之生物力学不相合。

5.The input gait profile to KWS is provided by known data, which include normal people, patients with knee reconstruction.用于输入至模拟磨耗机之步态波形可由已知的资料提供参考,其中包含正常人、人工全膝关节重建之病患。

6.It imppes that the movement of KWS may achieve an assigned program on time.此亦显示模拟膝关节磨耗机可在预期时间完成指定运动模式。

7.At the same time, introduces effect analysis to KW. Then, the author discusses and analyzes distinct problems to KWs motivation.而后又探讨了企业知识型员工激励存在的突出问题,并对问题进行了原因分析。

8.Appearance and appraisal of German KWS sugarbeet varieties in Inner Mongopa德国KWS甜菜品种在内蒙古的表现及评价

9.Yield and Quapty Effects of KWS Sugarbeet Varieties in Xinjiang Yanqi Area德国KWS甜菜品种在新疆焉耆糖区的产质量效应

10.Result and analysis of KWS sugarbeet variety in xinjiangKWS甜菜品种在新疆的表现及评价