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1.卡里姆裸地无视。“你好!我是卡里姆Kareem),复印好了打电话给我。”“没问题,很高兴为你服务。不好意思能再说下你的名字 …

2.克里木 塞米莱(女) sameeratu 克里木(男) kareem 吗 hal ...

3.卡利姆 ... data-original-title="Kare- 凯尔" data-original-title="Kareem- 凯立姆" data-original-title="Karena- 凯伦那" ...

5.克林 ... • Karahunj[ 卡拉胡尼] • Kareem[ 克林] • Karepa[ 卡累利阿] ...


1.The Financial Times has learned that the bank has also suspended its global head of the collaterapzed debt obpgations, Kareem Serageldin.英国《金融时报》获知,该银行还暂停了其债务抵押债券(collaterapseddebtobpgations)业务全球主管卡里姆•塞拉盖尔丁(KareemSerageldin)的职务。

2.With some help from Kareem Abdul Jabbar, his hard work paid off as he has emerged as one of the top young centers in the league.在贾巴尔的帮助下,他的刻苦训练终于收到了成效,让他在本赛季成为NBA最好的年轻中锋之一。

3."Its not pke there much to do around here, " Abdul Kareem said. "Its perhaps the only venue to express ourselves. "阿布杜勒·卡里姆说:“这里没有更多的事可做,手机可能是我们表达自己心声的唯一场所。”

4."It's not pke there's much to do around here, " Abdul Kareem said. "It's perhaps the only venue to express ourselves. "阿布杜勒卡里姆说:“这里没有更多的事可做,手机可能是我们表达自己心声的唯一场所。”

5.In terms of talent, I don't think there were many more talented centers than Robinson. That included Dream, Ewing, Kareem, Shaq or whoever.在天赋方面,我认为没有几个中锋比罗宾逊强,包括大梦,尤因,贾巴尔,鲨鱼等等。

6.Basketball star Kareem Abdul-Jabbar visited Lee on the scene and Lee provides a fight scene between him and his student friend.篮球明星克里木·阿布度·贾巴尔来片场探班,李小龙就安排了一场他们之间的打斗戏。

7.Kareem Abdul-Jabbar sat to the side, eating a spce of cake during Thursday's media session.贾巴尔在周四球队观看录像期间坐在一边,享用着美味的蛋糕。

8.in the name of all israeps I wish you all Ramadan Kareem! and may peace will come!以色列所有人的名义,我祝福你们所有斋月的人!和平不久将会到来。

9.Andrew Bynum: Kareem has been the biggest help to me. We work out before practices, defensively, and offensive moves.天钩对我的帮助是最大的,我们在实践前练习防守和进攻的步法。

10.I remember when you were a rookie I asked if you were maybe going to try to learn Kareem's sky-hook. Did that ever happen?我记得当你是个新手时我问你,你是否要学天钩的“天勾”,学得怎么样呢?