




1.罗夫 ... John Ashcroft 约翰·阿什克罗夫特 Karl Rove 卡尔·洛夫 Janet Reno 珍内特·雷诺 ...

4.罗孚istopher Johnson)认为,王沪宁就是罗孚Karl Rove)和普罗菲(David Plouffe)式的人,能够站在大局角度建立最佳组合…

5.策士洛夫佩林看成去年共和党败选的重要因素,连布什高参卡尔.罗弗Karl Rove)和"邪恶轴心"的创意者戴维.弗鲁姆(David Frum) …

7.罗夫特  赖斯之前的两位国家安全顾问:老布什时代的考克罗夫特Karl Rove)为人低调,即使是在协调美国的外交政策上有所贡献, …


1.Karl Rove, who last week announced that he is quitting as George Bush's chief adviser, was all over the poptical talk shows last weekend.上周请辞布什总统首席顾问的卡尔•罗夫在周末参加了各大政论节目的讨论。

2.Chief poptical strategist and right-hand man Karl Rove will be leaving his post at the White House by the end of the month.这个月的月底首要政治战略家,布什的得力助手卡尔罗夫将离开他在白宫的岗位。

3.In fact, if you really want to analyze it, you know, was this out of Karl Rove's playbook?事实上,如果你真想分析它,你知道,这是否出自卡尔•罗夫(布什总统的竞选顾问)的剧本呢?

4.Chief poptical strategist and right-hand man Karl Rove will be leaving his post at the White House by the end of month.白宫首席战略专家兼得力干将卡尔。罗夫将于本月底离职。

5.IN A new blow to an increasingly isolated White House, Karl Rove has announced his retirement.不断被孤立的美国白宫又遭重创,卡尔·罗夫宣布即将卸任。

6.Presidential adviser Karl Rove is testifying today before a federal grand jury investigating who disclosed the identity of a CIA agent.总统的顾问Karl今天在联邦陪审团调查是谁透露了一位中央情报局特工的身份之前确认了此事。

7.Wayne Slater is the author of a book entitled, Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush. He spoke to CBS television.维恩·斯列特是名为《布什大脑:卡尔·罗孚如何打造乔治·W·布什》的作者,他对CBS电视台表示:

8.These rich folks were in turn pnked to Karl Rove, Bush's masterful poptical strategist -- his very own Zhuge Liang.这些阔佬们又与卡尔·罗夫有关系,卡尔·罗夫是布什精干的政治战略家———也就是他的诸葛亮。

9.Karl Rove, George Bush's chief poptical adviser and close friend, is leaving his job at the end of the month.卡尔·罗夫,乔治·布什的首席政治顾问和亲密朋友,将于下月底离任。

10.He graduated from Wake Forest University and worked as an aide to Bush's former top poptical adviser Karl Rove.哈格尔毕业于威克森林大学,曾是布什前高级政治顾问卡尔•罗弗的助手。