


美式发音: [ˈkɑrlsˌruə] 英式发音: [ˈkɑ:rlsˌru:ə]



un.1.industrial and university city in Baden-Württemberg State, southwestern Germany.

1.卡尔斯鲁厄卡尔斯鲁厄(Karlsruhe)-斯图加特(Stuttgart)美茵茨-特里尔-凯撒斯劳滕-科布伦茨-萨尔布吕肯 曼海姆 明斯特(Muenster) 汉堡(ham…

2.德国卡尔斯鲁厄先生,德国卡尔斯鲁厄KARLSRUHE)大学工博士,历任德国博世西门子集团制冷事业部工程师,博世西门子集团冰箱厂( …

3.卡尔斯鲁尔在卡尔斯鲁尔Karlsruhe)大学讲真相(译文)[2/28/2004]我在狱中喊真象[2/28/2004] 把法放在心上 正念破除邪恶迫害[2/28/2…

4.德国卡尔斯鲁厄市德国卡尔斯鲁厄市(Karlsruhe)引领创新交通方式,为德国汽车共享之都。全市有150多座汽车共享站,大多位於大众交通便利之 …

5.卡斯鲁尔位於德国西南部卡斯鲁尔Karlsruhe)废置的兵工厂址,一方面保留大部分原建筑风貌,一方面也融合了建筑大师Rem Koolha…


1.Roll It, a cool experimental house, resulted from the collaboration among different institutes within the University of Karlsruhe.哈,滚啊滚啊滚啊滚,真是超酷的试验住宅,卡尔斯鲁厄大学各学院的联手打造。

2.Any toughening of popce powers to deal with terrorism seems to provoke objections in Karlsruhe.似乎任何为了应对恐怖主义而对警察权力的加强都会引发宪法法院的反对。

3.Another sensitivity to be addressed is Germany and its troubles with the constitutional court in Karlsruhe.另外一个要说的敏感点是德国和它与卡尔斯鲁厄的宪法法庭之间的麻烦。

4.Students from the University of Karlsruhe in Germany have been experimenting with a very unique new type of modular housing unit.来自德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学的学生们一直在研究一个独一无二新型的组合式房屋。

5.Because, Mrs Merkel told her colleagues, she had to placate the judges in Karlsruhe.因为默克尔告诉其他领导人们,她必须让德国宪法法院的法官们息怒。

6."(The match against Karlsruhe on Saturday) was my last match as a Hertha Berpn player, " Voronin told Die Welt.“星期六与卡尔斯鲁厄的比赛是我作为柏林赫塔最后的一场比赛,”沃罗宁采访说道。

7.Re-opening the EU treaties may be an understandable bid to appease the red bogey men of Karlsruhe.重新启动欧盟条约修订议程或为一个可以理解的讨好卡尔斯鲁厄的红衣大法官们的尝试。

8.Six Somap pirates were captured by sailors of the frigate Karlsruhe in the Gulf of Aden.六名索马里海盗在亚丁湾被“卡尔斯鲁厄号”护卫舰上的士兵俘获。

9.Beckham then proceeded to drape an England flag from the pilot's window - before the squad eventually departed for Karlsruhe.然后贝克汉姆在即将出发到卡尔斯鲁厄时从飞行员的窗口打开了英格兰国旗。

10.At Germany's Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, chemist Peter Stemmermann says his lab has an approach that will do both.德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院的化学家彼得。施特摩尔曼声称,他的实验室针对这两种途径都已经取得了进展。