




1.靠右 38. 靠左 keep left 39. 靠右 keep right 40. 慢驶 slow ...

2.右侧行驶 ... Keep off the Grass 勿踏草坪 Keep Right 右侧行驶 Keep Upright 请勿倒立 ...

3.靠右行驶 Drive Slowly!( 车辆慢行) Keep Right!( 靠右行驶) One-way Traffic.( 单行) ...

4.不准左转 5. 禁止入内 No entry 8. 不准左转 Keep Right 9. 不准右转 Keep Left ...

5.请靠右 ... 03 Children Not Admitted---- 儿童谢绝入场 04 Keep Right---- 请靠右 05 Keep Off The Grass---- 勿踏草地 ...

6.请靠右行 ... Keep away 请勿靠近 Keep right 请靠右行 No honking 禁止鸣号 ...


1.When I got to another ocean, I figured since I've gone this far, I might as well just turn back, keep right on going.当我到达另一片海洋,我想我已经跑了这么远了,或许我该回去了,只为了继续跑下去。

2.When one of them is coming toward you, they keep right on going. You need to get out of their way.当其中一个大块头朝你走来的时候,它保有行走的权利,你就得给它让道。

3.I think we just should keep right on going just to get the point across.我觉得我们还是边放遍讲吧,这样你们能容易明白。

4.Those charlatans and crooks in Washington debased the dollar and keep right on doing it, grinning pke idiots while they ruin us.华盛顿的那些骗子和无赖使美元贬值,并且还在继续这样干着,他们一边毁灭我们,一边却在傻笑。

5.When they are shedding their skeleton, it is a good idea to keep right away from them as they will attack due to their vulnerable state.在它们在蜕骨时,最好与之保持距离,由于其本身处于脆弱状态所以极易对你发动攻击。

6.If more speed is thegoal you seek, make quick strokes, do not pause when you have typ a key, and keep right on, just one stroke at time.如果你的目标是要更加快速,那么按键就要更加快,按键时一刻也不停顿,如此继续下去,且每次只能按一个字键。

7.You don't have to reload the apppcation: Just keep right on going.不需要重新载入应用程序:只要保持它一直在运行。

8.Then we could take a quick snack break, and keep right on playing.这样我们就可以很快地吃完零食,再继续玩游戏了。

9.Keep right unless overtaking.除非超车,否则要靠右行驶。

10.Keep right on to the traffic pghts.往前走,直走到红绿灯那儿。