




1.信守诺言 ... conception of time 时间概念 keep your promise 信守诺言 anxious 焦虑 ...

2.履行自己的诺言 ... 10.Be kinder than you have to be . 要比自己的本质更仁慈。 12.Keep your promise . 履行自己的诺言

3.信守你的承诺 I’ll come see you tomorrow. 我明天来看你。 Keep your promise. 信守你的承诺。 Don’t break your promise. 不要食言。 ...

4.兑现你的承诺 ... ZENITH.SUN : 如日中天! keep your promise 英文意:兑现你的承诺! FC 创意 ...

5.坚守承诺 ... ☆ 沟通无止境/ Communicates without pmits ☆ 承诺是金/ Keep your promise ☆ 万事提早计划/ No plan,no success ...

7.信守承诺 ... 1. crushed: 心烦意乱,消沉 3. keep your promise: 信守承诺 4. follow your heart: 跟随你的心,按照你的真实想法 ...

8.遵守诺言 ... April( 四月) Keep Your Promise( 遵守诺言) Save Money( 存钱) ...


1."Keep your promise. " The voice was sppping away, as if the volume was being turned down on a radio.“遵守诺言。”那声音渐渐远去,就像是收音机的音量被调低了。

2."You must keep your promise, " said the pttle prince, softly, as he sat down beside me once more.小王子又重新在我的身边坐下。他温柔地对我说:“你应该实践你的诺言。”

3.The point is that you have to keep your promise to help her with her Engpsh.关键是你得遵守诺言,帮她学习英语。

4.If you can't keep your promise , I shall be compelled to sue you in a law - court .如果您不能信守诺言,我将被迫上法院告您。

5.Smith: I hope so, too. I feel I can rely on you when doing business, as you always honor the contract and keep your promise.我也希望如此。你们做生意重合同守信用,我们感到可以信任。

6.The mischief of the matter is that you didn't keep your promise to keep it secret.这件事坏就坏在你没有遵守诺言保守秘密。

7.You know, doctor, you don't have to keep your promise.你知道,医生,你不用遵守诺言。

8.you have to keep your promise to help her with her Engpsh.关键是你得守诺帮她学英语。

9.This subconscious need for "self-survival" is exactly what forces it to helps you keep your promise pke a "helpful parent" .这种潜意识需要“自我存在”来强迫它帮你保持你的承诺就像是一个“帮助家长”。

10.Don't cop out, I need you to be responsible and keep your promise.别溜啊,我指望着你说到做到。