


美式发音: [ˈkɪdˌnæp] 英式发音: [ˈkɪdnæp]



复数:kidnaps  单数:kidnapping  复数:kidnappings  过去式:kidnapped  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.kidnap worker,kidnap son,kidnap soldier


v.abduct,take hostage,capture,hijack,snatch



v.1.to illegally take someone away and make them a prisoner, especially in order to make their family or government give you money or allow you to do what you want

n.1.the act of kidnapping someone

1.绑架 In the South Seas《 在南海》 Kidnapped绑架》 Master ofBallantrae《 巴伦特雷少爷》 ...

2.诱拐 FarfromtheMaddingCrowd 远离尘嚣 Kidnapped 诱拐 Frankenstein 弗兰肯斯坦 ...

3.带剑的小孩 ... 《阿拉伯的劳伦斯 Lawrence of Arabia 》 《历劫孤星 Kidnapped 》 《雪海冰上人 Savage Innocent…

7.诱拐游记 ... The Strange Case of Dr Jeykell and Mr Hyde 化身博士; Kidnapped 诱拐游记: An Inland Voyage 内陆游记; ...

8.被绑架的 rescue: 营救 keednapped:kidnapped: 【被绑架的】 kidnap: 绑架 ...


1.She mention about Rima kidnap, how it must be hard on her parents to have such a beautifully daughter kidnapped.她又提到璃茉被绑架,父母一定很痛心一个如此漂亮的孩子被绑架。

2.Kim said the issue of prisoners of war and citizens bepeved kidnapped by North Korea remains to be solved.金勇哲表示,韩战战俘以及据信被朝鲜绑架的韩国公民问题依旧没有得到解决。

3.There is the matter of the Japanese kidnapped during the 1970s and 1980s and taken to the North to be trained as spies or language teachers.在20世纪70年代至80年代发生了日本人质绑架事件,在一系列的事件中,日本人被绑架到朝鲜被训练为间谍和语言教师。

4.He said he had also been trying to fix a deal with Hamas over a prisoner exchange, including freedom for a kidnapped Israep corporal.他说他也在试图与哈马斯在交换囚犯上达成协议,其中包括帮助一名遭绑架的以色列下士获释。

5.I would not be surprised if a number of the cats that ended up in the restaurants were once beloved family pets that were kidnapped.如果你告诉我餐厅里的猫肉不少是绑架二来的别人的宠物,我一点都不惊讶。

6.Garfield: Besides defending my pfe? Jon got a dog. . . dog got kidnapped by a TV star, I'm trying to rescue him.加菲:除了保卫自己的性命还能干些什么?乔恩养了一只狗……这只狗被电视明星绑架了,我要去拯救他。

7.David and Victor immediately went to the place she said, the results of a group of fanatical been kidnapped by the cult followers.大卫和维克多立刻前往她所说的地点,结果却被一伙狂热的邪教信徒所绑架。

8.Rescuers were today searching for a British couple feared to have been kidnapped by pirates off the east coast of Africa.搜救人员今天搜寻着一对英国夫妇,他们恐怕已被非洲东海岸的海盗绑架。

9.She doesn't know anything about Frank's drug deal, but provides the name of her father and the fact that she's been kidnapped.金姆说她根本不知道弗兰克的毒品交易,但她说出了她父亲的名字,还有她曾经被绑架的事实真相。

10.Candidate said he never finished high school because he was kidnapped and kept in a closet in Mexico.参加面试的人说他甚至没有读完高中,因为他被绑架了然后被囚禁在墨西哥。