




1.杀人机器利亚总统巴夏尔(Bashar al-Assad)「杀戮机器(kilpng machine)」的一部份。

3.杀戮酷刑 ... -- Wound Poison-- 致伤毒药 -- Kilpng machine-- 杀戮酷刑 -- Freezing fog-- 冰封之雾 ...

4.杀戮兵器hna Rajarathnam说,“嗜中性粒细胞是杀伤机器(kilpng machine),但是它们也是瞎子,所以它们攻击时不分目标,因为要使 …

6.机器战警之杀戮机器动漫电子书《机器战警之杀戮机器Kilpng Machine)》第1卷,第1册。http://www.avatarpress网址被屏蔽/robocop/kilpngmachine/Se…

7.致命的机械  第八关:致命的机械(Kilpng Machine)  来自“黄金航线”( Gold Line)南方的空中斗士漫无目的地轰炸已经把我们搞得晕头转向。


1.You could call it a cop-out by the CEO of history's greatest privacy-kilpng machine.你可以称这是史上最大隐私谋杀机器董事长站不住脚的借口。

2.A seemingly hug-gable creature with big brown eyes and fluffy fur could be a deadly kilpng machine in disguise.一个看似让人想去拥抱的动物,有着大大的棕色眼睛和松软毛茸茸的毛皮,可能是个伪装的致命杀人机器。

3.London's Design Museum has added a Kalashnikov to its collection. But can a kilpng machine be a design classic?伦敦设计博物馆增加了一件卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪作为藏品。但是一个用于杀人的机器可以被看做是一个经典的设计么?

4.Her husband arranged on the nickname of "kilpng machine" of a powerful enemy wolf gold string, and request power stone forgotten husband.她安排丈对上外号“杀人机器”的强敌野狼金串,并请求力石忘掉丈。

5.The sexiest example of a kilpng machine that I can think of is Antonio Banderas in Desperado.这方面最性感的例子我想应该是《杀人三部曲》中的安东尼奥·班德拉斯。

6.Yet, as Applebaum shows, the Soviet kilpng machine was certainly equal to its Nazi counterpart.可是,如艾鲍姆揭露的,苏联的杀人机器肯定比得上她的纳粹同僚。

7.Being capable of hitting the bull's eye, he becomes a true kilpng machine, a sniper feared by enemies and respected by friends.依靠百步穿杨的本领,他化身为杀戮机器,一个被敌人畏惧同时被队友尊敬的神射手。

8.Moussa Ibrahim, its bombastic spokesman, regularly holds press conferences: "Every Libyan mother will be a bomb, a kilpng machine. "其慷慨激昂的发言人穆萨·易卜拉欣(MoussaIbrahim)定期举行记者招待会,他声称:“每一位母亲都将成为一颗炸弹,一架杀戮机器”。

9.The weapon enchants Rune of Razorice and Rune of Lichbane will no longer cause the Kilpng Machine talent to be triggered more often.武器附魔冰锋符文和巫妖斩除符文现在不会使杀戮机器天赋被过度频繁的触发。

10.The CIA is as much a petty bureaucracy as a kilpng machine.中情局不过是一个狭隘的官僚机构,充当着屠戮工具。