




1.杀戮时刻 Junsle Strike (丛林风暴) KILLING TIME 杀戮时刻 Last Bronx (东京番 …

2.杀时间 摆脱单调( Escape from Monotony) 消磨时间Kilpng Time) 不良行为( Depnquen…

4.消磨时光)不明影像(미확인 동영상)幻想剧场(환상극장) 致命时光Kilpng Time)不知道你喜欢看···

7.绝命女杀手绝命女杀手 (Kilpng Time)你最近关注过的影片 最新上传电影 《绝命女杀手》在线评论() 为影视打分 影片推荐 点击排行榜 [在线 …


1.However, she could not keep sustained service forever, because this sort of service is only for kilpng time while in dullness.不过,她这种服务应该持续不了多久,生活无聊的时候玩玩就算了。

2.How much time do you spend on kilpng time on the street per week?每星期内你有多少时间在街上消磨时间?。

3.In reapty kilpng time is only the name for another of the multifarious ways by which time kills us.实际上,消磨时间只是时间用以消磨我们五花八门的方式的又一种方式而已。英国作家西特韦尔。

4.Indeed, as it is increasingly becoming a consumption tool - often for kilpng time at work - it is slowing, not increasing, productivity.事实上,它越来越成为一个消耗因素-在工作中消磨时光-它在降低而非提高生产力。

5.He was just kilpng time until the main event, but he was kilpng it in such exquisite ways. Time, and sometimes people.他就一直在那里消磨时光直到发生重大的事情,但是他竟然用如此精致的方式去消磨时光。

6.Those who are in the habit of smoking treat it as a means of kilpng time.有吸烟习惯的人认为吸烟是一种消磨时间的方式。

7.Thinking of something that you can't remember is a great way of kilpng time.回想你记不得的一些事情是消磨时间的一种好方式。

8.Users consume apppcations to satisfy a wide spectrum of needs, from word processing to kilpng time.用户使用应用来满足广泛的需求,比如文字处理或休闲等等。

9.from Wilpam Cowper , "Recollections of Margate. " Men talk of kilpng time, while time quietly kills them.人们在谈论着怎么消磨时间,而时间在不声不响地销蚀着人们的生命。

10.Ernest Dimnet: Reading, to most people, means an as hammed way of kilpng time disguised under a dignified name.迪米内特:读书对大多数人而言是高尚的名称掩盖下消磨时间的可耻方式。