




1.金永南金永南(Kim Yong-Nam)朝鲜最高人民会议常任委员会委员长。

2.委员长金永南朝鲜“最高人民会议”委员长金永南Kim Yong-nam)也曾在2001年,应西哈努克的邀请访问柬埔寨。当时,西哈努克还没有让 …

3.领导人金永南  北韩国营媒体除了在25日报导卡特抵达北韩、并和北韩第二领导人金永南(Kim Yong-Nam)举行晚宴之外,就不曾有过关於卡特 …


1.With Kim Jong Eun standing just a few feet away, Kim Yong Nam indicated what would change under the new leader: not much.金永南讲话时金正恩就站在几英尺开外。金永南表示,在金正恩的领导下朝鲜不会有太大的变化。

2.North Korea's number-two leader, Kim Yong Nam, later hosted a dinner for Mr. Roh, but Kim Jong Il did not attend.北韩第二号人物金永南晚些时候为卢武铉主持了欢迎晚宴,但是金正日没有出席。

3.Mr Carter met Kim Yong-nam, the country's number two leader, said the KCNA.据朝鲜中央通讯社称,卡特与朝鲜二号领导人金永南(KimYongNam)会面。

4.During their stay Cpnton and his party paid a courtesy call on Kim Yong Nam, president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly.逗留期间,克林顿及随行人员亲切地问候了最高人民会议常任委员会委员长金永南。

5.North Korea's de facto head of state, Kim Yong-nam, could be sharing the table at the official lunch for visiting big wigs.在为贵宾准备的官方午餐上,朝鲜“事实上”的国家主席金永南可能会与他一同进餐。

6.On Tuesday, the two women met Kim Yong Nam, the nominal head of North Korea's parpament.周二,两名女士同朝鲜最高人民会议常任委员会委员长金永南(KimYongNam)会面。

7.Wu Bangguo also briefed Kim Yong-nam on the Chinese government's decision to provide free assistance to the DPRK government.吴邦国还向金永南通报了中国政府向朝鲜政府提供无偿援助的决定。