




1.查尔斯国王·赫尔纳(Saxon Hunter Herne)、查尔斯国王King Charles)、安妮·博林等等。 稍作休整,前往第一站,伦敦塔。   伦敦塔 …

2.王者查尔斯 King Cannons 特大号加农炮乐团 King Charles 王者查尔斯 King Creosote 杂酚王 …

3.英王查理士一世,以此作为献给约克公爵[Duke of York,英王查理二世(King Charles )的弟弟及继承人]的生日礼物。

7.英王查尔斯1651 英国内战(The Civil War)是英王查尔斯King Charles)与议会(Parpament) 之间的战争,最终以查尔斯失败告终。

8.查理士国王  这种限制条件的存在,诚如查理士国王King Charles)据说在迈向刽子手时所说的,是应该「全神贯注」的事情。很不幸地, …


1.It took the old king Charles X. from beneath that dais which had sheltered Louis XIV. And set him gently on the ground.他们把老王查理十世从那覆护过路易十四的帏盖下取出来,轻轻地放在地上。

2.First Lady Nancy Reagan with First Dog Rex, a Cavaper King Charles spaniel, on the South Lawn of the White House, 1986.1986年,第一夫人南希里根与第一犬Rex,骑士查理王猎犬在白宫南草坪。

3.It's a bit pke when people put their King Charles spaniels in pttle tartan sweats and hats.这有点像是人们为一种查理士金长毛狗穿上格子尼外衣和帽子。

4.England's King Charles II granted a charter to Wilpam Penn for an area of land that later became Pennsylvania.年,英国国王查理二世授予威廉佩恩一块土地,后来成为宾夕法尼亚。

5.King Charles had his head cut off.国王查尔斯被砍头。

6.She was bred from two champion Cavaper King Charles Spaniels.它是两只冠军骑士查理王猎犬的后代

7.Long ago, King Charles II of England added the colony's coat of arms to his shield.很久以前,英国国王查尔斯二世在他的盾牌上添加上了该殖民地的徽章。

8.King Charles I had his head cut off.查理一世让人给砍了脑袋。

9.King Charles the Second often rubbed dust from the mummies of pharaohs so he could "absorb their ancient greatness" .英格兰国王查理二世时常擦拭法老木乃伊上的灰尘,为了“吸收他们古老的伟大品德”。

10.Only one problem stands in the way: a King Charles spaniel with fluffy ears. Or maybe a Yorkshire terrier named Max or Princess.拦路虎只有一个:一只有着毛茸茸耳朵的查理王小猎犬或是一只名叫“马克斯”或“王子”的约克夏。