




1.狮心王理查 小约翰 Little John 理查国王 King Richard 约翰王子 Prince John ...

3.理查德国王英国传统历史之渊源更是家传户晓,品牌的三狮图案首为李察一世 (King Richard) 所采用,是英国传统盾牌的徽号,时至今日…

6.理查王角库伯.拉格(Copper LeGre)是格莱斯通国王理查王King Richard)弟弟艾瑞克.拉格(Eric LeGre )与一名德 拉考德(Dra…


1.The Black Adder I - King Richard IV is the insane monarch rupng England during the really dark part of the Dark Ages.黑加法我-金理查德四是疯狂君主统治时期的黑暗时代英格兰很黑的一部分。

2.In 1199 AD, King Richard I and known as Richard the Lionhearted , paused to admire an arrow had been fired directly at him at Chalus.公元1199年,理查王一世,也就是众所周知的狮心王理查,在查洛斯,一支箭直接射向他,顿时,他停下来赞赏射术精湛。

3.Good King Richard was stranded in a battle on a far away strait and no one knew when he would return. Someone had to defend the kingdom.好国王理查在一次遥远的海峡之战中被困住了,谁也不知道他什么时候能回来,得有人出来保护王国。

4.So King Richard II might have had trays of depcious food paraded before him but not been allowed to eat.因此,大概有人在理查二世的眼前不断展示着一盘盘美味佳肴,却始终不许他享用。

5.To pay tribute to the knight's chivalry, King Richard summoned the best craftsmen in England to make jewelry silverware for the wedding.国王理查为了嘉奖他的勇敢与忠诚,命令召集全国最好的工匠,为骑士的婚礼打造银器与首饰。

6.With some of his bravest knights King Richard embarked on a small ship and sailed for home.理查王带领几个最勇敢的骑士搭乘一条小船启程回国。

7.It is quite possible that it was occasioned by the marriage of King Richard 11 to Anne of Bohemia in that year.很可能这是所引起的婚姻,国王理查德11日至波希米亚的安妮在这一年。

8.A double Christmas episode would see Robin finally meet up with King Richard and warn him of the Sheriff of Nottingham's dastardly plans.在加长的圣诞剧集中我们看到Robin终于见到了国王Richard,并且把诺丁汉长官卑鄙的计划告诉了他。

9.After the rule of an independent Emperor (Isaac Comnenus), King Richard I of England captured the island in 1191 during the Crusades.在被一个独立的帝国(艾萨克Comnenus)统治之后,英国国王瑞查德一世在1191年十字军东证期间占领了该岛。

10.On this date: In 1485, England's King Richard the Third was killed in the Battle of Bosworth Field, ending the War of the Roses.1845年,英国国王理查三世在波斯沃斯战役中被杀死,随后战争结束!