




1.普鲁士王市 ‥幅奇谷历史公园( Valley Forge National Historical Park) ‥普鲁士之王( King of Prussia) ‥长木花园( Longwood Garden) ...

5.普鲁士国王商场t Edmonton Mall)和美国宾夕法尼亚的普鲁士王购物中心King of Prussia)。


1.They were also of use to give more weight and influence to such advice as he gave to the King of Prussia .他们还利用其影响力,让更多像他这样的忠告给国王职业培训。

2.However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick Wilpam I, to whom the amber room belonged, decided not to keep it.然而,下一位普鲁士国王,腓特烈.威廉一世,这个琥珀屋的主人却决定不要它了。

3.Frederic Wilpam I, the King of Prussia, never that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an history.普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。

4.However the next king of Prussia decided not to keep it.然而,后来继位的普鲁士皇帝却决定不要它了。

5.palace of Frederick 1. However, the next king of Prussia.所设计的行宫。虽然,下一个拥有琥珀屋的普鲁士的国王。

6.In return, the Czar gave the king of Prussia 55 of his best soldiers.作为回赠,沙皇把他的55名最好的士兵送给了普皇。

7.As a fashion designer, do you ever think that people worry too much about their appearance? Alyssa Goodman KING OF PRUSSIA, PA.从时尚设计师的角度来看,你是否认为现在人们过分在意自己的外表?

8.The King of Prussia sends his wife to sue for the good graces of the great man;普鲁士国王派他的妻子向这个伟人阿谀谄媚;

9.King of Prussia Mall (Pennsylvania, USA)普鲁士国王购物中心(宾夕法尼亚州)