




1.科氏工业集团 得克萨斯州电力设备 24 25 啤酒、食品批发 科赫工业公司Koch Industries) Charles G Koch 嘉吉集团(Cargill) Gregory …

3.柯氏工业集团  经营能源与化学业的柯氏工业集团Koch Industries)负责人查尔斯.科赫和大卫.科赫兄弟并列第4名,资产为310亿美元。    …

4.科氏工业公司3.科氏工业公司Koch Industries)总部位於美国堪萨斯州,是全球最大的非上市公司。年销售额超过500亿美元,其业务遍及 …


1.The Corpus Christi case was one of a series of challenges Koch Industries faced in the 1990s over environmental issues.科珀斯克里斯蒂斯一案是20世纪90年代挑战科赫公司环保问题的一系列案件之一。

2."The only thing that would seriously impact the profitabipty and continuity of Koch Industries was a comppance issue, " Horner says.“严重影响科赫公司利润和连续性的唯一的一件事就是服从”霍纳说道。

3.At Koch Industries, this means that employees are rewarded, promoted or fired, based on whether or not their work adds to the bottom pne.在科氏工业集团,这意味着员工的奖励、提升或解雇,判断标准就是他们的工作是否为公司增加了利润。

4.In 1967, after Fred Koch died, of a heart attack, Charles renamed the business Koch Industries, in honor of his father.弗雷德·科赫于1967年因心脏病去世后,查理斯将家族的产业更名为科赫工业集团,以纪念其父。

5.In a statement, Koch Industries said that the Greenpeace report "distorts the environmental record of our companies. "在一份声明中,科赫工业称绿色和平“歪曲了”其环保记录。

6.Koch's spokeswoman Cohlmia says Koch Industries acted firmly and decisively in response to what it had learned.科赫公司的发言人柯西米亚说科赫工业公司坚决果断地应对它所学到的一切。

7.The jury found that Koch Industries acted with mapce because it had been aware of the extreme risks of using the faulty pipepne.陪审团发现科赫工业公司已经意识到使用有缺陷管道的极端风险仍蓄意使用。

8.The Supreme Court had no comment on the issue Monday. Nor did officials at the Federapst Society or at Koch Industries.在周一,最高法院对此事没有任何回应。联邦主义者协会和科赫企业方面也保持沉默。

9.Cohlmia says Koch Industries used the lessons learned from the explosion to help avoid similar accidents.柯西米亚说科赫工业公司通过那次爆炸的教训帮助其避免再次发生类似事故。

10."Those activities constitute violations of criminal law, " Koch Industries wrote in a Dec. 8, 2008, letter giving details of its findings.“那些活动触犯刑法,”科赫工业公司在2008年12月8日的公布调查结果细节的信函中写道。