




1.联合国秘书长安南 acknowledge vt. 承认;告知已收到; 为……表示感谢 Kofi Annan 科菲•安南 schem…

4.联合国特使安南前联合国特使安南Kofi Annan)曾说过:「好公民,并非与生俱来!」(No one is born a good citizen.)为CNEX主题纪录 …

5.联合国前秘书长安南联合国前秘书长安南(Kofi Annan)周二在北京举行的另一个活动上说,低排放并不意味着低增长。他此话显然是针对中国对设置 …

6.安南先生国际科学院委员会在2004年2月向联合国秘书长 安南先生Kofi Annan) 正式提交了他们第一份对国际问题的咨询报告“创造更 …


1.United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan said the agreement reached at the summit is an important beginning.联合国秘书长科菲·安南表示在峰会上达成的这个协议是一个很重要的开端。

2.Video: James Kofi Annan: He was hit with a paddle, you know, in the head. And this reminds me of my childhood, when I used to work here.视频:詹姆斯.科菲.安南:他被人用船桨给打了,看,打在脑袋上,这让我想起了我自己的童年,当时我就在这里工作。

3.For a time, admirers hailed Mr Ban's predecessor, Kofi Annan, as a "secular pope" , ready to speak up for those in need of UN succour.有段时间,人们尊称前秘书长科菲安南是位“世俗教皇”,因为他时刻准备着为需要联合国援助的人辩护。

4.In 2005, when Kofi Annan was secretary-general of the United Nations, he made Mr Gupta his "special adviser for management reform" .在2005年,当安南还是联合国秘书长的时候,他被任命为管理变革顾问。

5.With Mr Denktash sidepned and a new government in Ankara, the time seemed ripe for a new effort by the UN secretary-general, Kofi Annan.随着登卡塔什在安卡拉建了新政权,是时候又轮到联合国秘书长科非•安南出手了。

6.UN Secretary General Kofi Annan sent out his letter of congratulations to the workshop.联合国秘书长安南向本次会议发来了书面贺辞。

7.United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan is calpng on the United States to hold direct talks with Iran over its nuclear program.联合国秘书长安南呼吁美国与伊朗就其核计划直接谈判。

8.He noted that these are often overload. Kofi Annan says providing for young people it's not just a moral duty but an economic necessity.他指出,这些往往超载。安南说需提供年轻人不只是道义上的责任,而是经济上的必要性。

9.It would be among the first important commitments made by Mr Ban since he replaced Kofi Annan on January 1.这将是潘基文自今年1月1日接任科菲-安南(KofiAnnan)以来,做出的重要承诺之一。

10.He was formerly director of communications in the office of the UN secretary-general under Kofi Annan .科菲-安南任联合国秘书长时,他曾是秘书长办公厅的联络主任。